R.I. Lawmakers Tackle Blue Cross Management

May 12, 2004

  • May 12, 2004 at 9:56 am
    R. Murphy says:
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    The problems with Blue Croos Blue Shield are not limited to one state. The problems seem to be universal. Something has gone terribly wrong with BC/BS. They are actually using the people they insure to try and force doctors to accept less money for their services.

    As a result, the insured may go to the emergency room for an illness and then get slapped with a huge bill. Blue Cross/Blue Shield expects the patient to argue with doctors about the bill and pressure them to accept what BC/BS wants to pay. The patient is left to pay the difference. Sometimes, a very large difference.

    Do you have time to ask the ER doctor is they accept Blue Cross? If you are having a heart attack, are you supposed to call a half dozen hospitals and travel a hundred miles to one of the few ERs that have doctors who accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield?

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