Frankel Sentenced to More Than 16 Years in Prison

December 13, 2004

  • December 13, 2004 at 10:01 am
    RP says:
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    But… “… it was for the children!”
    Eerily Clintonesque and the same moral depravity!

  • December 13, 2004 at 11:36 am
    KBates says:
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    I don’t understand the huge leap from Martin Frankel to Clinton? I’m assuming it’s Bill Clinton not Hilary, George from Parliment Funkadelic or Clinton Portis of the Redskins. Did Bill have a diagnosed mental illness that the rest of us are unaware of like Frankel does? How is it Clintonesque? Bill wasn’t getting booty in the oval office for the children. Bill was getting booty for Bill. Take a moment to stop piling on & realize that Bill Clinton was @ the helm during one of the most properous times in US & world history. A far cry from where we find ourselves now. Loathed internationally, weak economically, torn politically and losing our children a dozen a day @ “war”.

  • December 13, 2004 at 1:19 am
    Fred Smith says:
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    Sounds like KBates was under Clinton’s desk also????

  • December 13, 2004 at 2:20 am
    Chuck says:
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    While I agree that times were very good in this country while Clinton was president, he still was a slut and a ***** nonetheless…

  • December 13, 2004 at 2:41 am
    KBates says:
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    Fred did you hear anything because I didn’t attach audio to my reply. You must be one of those out loud readers, you probably sound out the big words so I’ll keep ’em short for you. Your response was in the form of a question & since you probably don’t know what rhetorical means (sorry for those who are sitting near Fred as he tries & tries to sound out that one) I’ll reply. Fred you and RP should consider yourselves proud to be counted amongst the 51.5% voting majority responsible for dragging our proud American history thru the shitter for the next 3 years & 10 months & 20 days. You two are lucky, you’re probably old enough that you’ll be dead while the younger generation takes it on the chin or blue dress for the horrible mistakes being made now & made throughout Bush Jr’s first term.

  • December 13, 2004 at 4:45 am
    CTYRE says:
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    Completely uncalled for reaction by you. I wish you and all of the other Dems would just get over it. You are out of touch with the values and ideals that the majority in our country hold in high regard. However, since you and the others in your party feel responsible for providing health care and benefits to those to lazy to work, why not donate a portion of your salary to do so? I, on the other hand, believe those who can work should work and its their responsibility not mine to provide health insurance for their families.

  • December 13, 2004 at 4:57 am
    David says:
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    I could not agree more with CTYRE. Sound words indeed.
    Stop whingeing KBates and get on with your life – although you probably don’t have one!

  • December 14, 2004 at 8:07 am
    pondering says:
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    Killing and maiming innocent civilians in Iraq? Torturing prisoners in Iraq?
    Executing the mentally ill here in the good ole US of A?

    Wonder what actions we would take if Uncle Sam did not have such lofty values and ideals.

    Also, too bad for the working poor making in the area of $8.50 an hour if they’re lucky.
    Guess how much medical insurance they can afford to buy!

  • December 14, 2004 at 9:39 am
    Age Old Broker says:
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    ALL these Republicans are ignorant hate mongering materialists. And just because I’m against you doesn’t mean I’m a Democrat you fool.

  • December 14, 2004 at 10:21 am
    CTYRE says:
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    We are not hate mongers. Unfortunately, I am not a socialist- I do not believe we take from the achievers and give to those who are unwilling not unable to work and provide for their families. That my friend is socialism in its purest form.

  • December 14, 2004 at 10:24 am
    CTYRE says:
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    I know something about what is going on in Iraq. My brother is over there fighting, and has even been injured in battle. And do you want to talk about civilians being killed- lets talk about over 3,000 innocent Americans on 9/11 and how about all the innocent Israeli kids and women who are blown up on there way to school. Shouldn’t you look at both sides of the fence next time before making such ignorant remarks?

  • December 14, 2004 at 10:28 am
    CTYRE says:
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    who is preventing them from getting job training or higher education so they can get a better job? How about those who don’t have health insurance but their kids have $150 pair of shoes? Come on, the problem with most is that health insurance is not enough of a priority to sacrifice some of the things they want to pay for it. And I can tell you, I certainly don’t like paying over $800 per month for my families health insurance. Just think what I could do with that extra money every month.

  • December 14, 2004 at 11:11 am
    Michael Moore says:
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    Look at the poor souls who voted for this nonsense. They are working for six dollars an hour if they are working at all, their children are dying overseas and suffering from lack of health care and a depleted environment and a shoddy education.

    And they don’t even know they are being hit.

    How true. And that is our challenge over the next couple of years; to hold out our hand to those being hit the hardest and help them leave behind a party that only seeks to keep beating them, their children, and the kid next door whos on his way to Iraq.


    Michael Moore

  • December 14, 2004 at 11:23 am
    CTYRE says:
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    Since my last post ive done some research -And wow was I wrong. This administration is killing us! I appologize for my earlier posts, I really had my head in the sand. Check this out>:

    II. American soldiers fighting in Iraq are suffering the highest rate of extreme disabling injuries of any war in history. After reading this story, you will comprehend why our soldiers were so concerned that they voiced their disapproval directly to our Secretary of Defense.

    NEWS BRIEF: “Combat doctors save life over limb: U.S. surgeons stunned by horrific injuries incurred by troops fighting in Iraq”, By Katarina Kratovac / Associated Press, reprinted in Detroit News, December 9, 2004

    “NEAR FALLUJAH, Iraq — Doctors with Bravo Surgical Company — known as the ‘Cheaters of Death’ — fight their own quiet battles every day against the horrifying wounds of war. ‘These injuries we never see at home’, said one of the surgeons … For every American soldier killed in Iraq, nine others have been wounded and survived — the highest rate of any war in U.S. history … some soldiers and Marines have had faces, arms and legs blown off and are returning home badly maimed. But they have survived due, in part, to armor-like vests and fast treatment from doctors on the move with surgical kits in backpacks … Dr. Michael Mazurek, an orthopedic surgeon and trauma specialist from Philadelphia, said he has seen ‘some horrific injuries’ in the 90 days since coming to Iraq. “The tremendous force of the IED can devastate a torso,” he says, referring to a roadside bomb.”

    Now, can you see why these American soldiers listening to Rumsfeld were so concerned? They knew this statistic — that the tactics of the insurgency was severely wounding many American soldiers, many of them dying and being wounded in roadside bombs and in rocket-propelled grenade attacks against lightly-armored Humvees. This concern over not being properly prepared for the war they were being asked to fight is what prompted 23 Army reservists to refuse a mission transporting fuel along a dangerous road in Iraq. Not only were their vehicles not properly armored, but they were not offered an armed military escort through this dangerous territory.

    This next segment of news illustrates just how much danger our troops are in while fighting this war:

    “”This is unprecedented. People who lose not just one but two or three extremities are people who just have not survived in the past’, said Dr. Atul Gawande, a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston … The journal also published a five-page spread of 21 military photographs that graphically depict the horrific injuries and conditions under which these modern-day MASH surgeons operate … This war is producing unique injuries — less lethal but more traumatic,” he said.

    “In one traumatic case, Gawande tells of an airman who lost both legs, his right hand and part of his face. ‘How he and others like him will be able to live and function remains an open question’, Gawande writes.” (Ibid,)

    Thus, while more of the wounded are surviving, more are coming home with severe, life-long amputations, with which they will struggle for the rest of their lives. The terrible reality is that these men are fighting a war launched on a series of lies and misrepresentations, from President Bush on down. Even though officials from Bush downwards have admitted there was no WMD in Iraq, and even though the President’s own commissions have admitted there is no evidence that Saddam was ever cooperating with Osama bin Laden, we constantly hear that our brave boys are fighting against “the enemy” in order to ensure the survival of our way of life and our freedoms.

    The reality is once again to be found in completely the opposite direction — the real threat to our way of life and to our liberties comes from legislation like Patriot Acts I and II and from the politicians on both sides of the aisle who have enacted them, solely because all elective governments must be brought down if the Illuminist Masonic Christ is ever to appear.

    How upset are some American troops right now in Iraq? This story about American soldiers being so upset about not getting proper equipment may be just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. With this thought in mind, this next story makes a lot more sense.

    NEWS BRIEF: “U.S. deserter numbers reach 5,500”, Big News, Saturday 11th December, 2004

    “Since the war started in Iraq, the Pentagon says 5,500 U.S. soldiers have deserted, with some of them seeking refugee status in Canada, CBS reported Thursday … Meanwhile, other soldiers who were denied conscientious objector status are using the Internet to locate Vietnam-era resisters who assist and even drive objectors to Canada, CBS said.

  • December 14, 2004 at 11:37 am
    CTYRE says:
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    must have been manipulated by Michael “I am a Socialist jerk” Moore. Not sure how he has done this, but obviously this is not a post I would make. I am a supporter of our troops, the Bush administration and I believe in our country. Something Michael Moore obviously does not. As a matter of fact, whoever pasted that propaganda and put my name on it- I would really like to know who you are.

  • December 14, 2004 at 11:39 am
    CTYRE says:
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    cause if you are the Michael Moore, I have but one thing to say to you. Go away and take all of your left wing propaganda with you.

  • December 14, 2004 at 11:52 am
    CTYRE says:
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    Someone keeps posting with my name and I dont appreciate it. Not only is it pissing me off its also very confusing! The fact is, Im just fed up with this administration and what they are doing to our country. Im very patriotic and this has been a terrible time in our Nations history.

  • December 14, 2004 at 12:42 pm
    M says:
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    How horriblie, instead of dying they are surviving. We should tell the mobile surgeon to not try so hard and we should take the armor away from our troops.

  • December 14, 2004 at 4:18 am
    CTYRE says:
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    to email leftist, anti-American propaganda and attach my name to it. I just wish the poor sap had the balls to put his opinion on it without making it out like I am the anti-American creep. You can have your views, but as for me and mine- we believe in God, liberty, justice and George W. Bush. Now come on Michael Moore, you anti-American punk- put some more of your leftist garbage on here and make it out like its me. Guess you realize nobody will listen to your tired, old, broken down, whiny, fat ***. Get a clue, you don’t represent what Americans want- live with it or go to Afghanistan.

  • December 15, 2004 at 12:41 pm
    jen says:
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    CTYRE – you seem to be a complete bonehead. Do you really believe Michael Moore is reading this and posting messages?! There are many, many, many Americans who share his beliefs – almost as many as who believe in Bush and his lies. The way Bush has suckered so many “blind” people in our country is scary. I can certainly see how the Nazi movement got started (blind followers believing anything they are told to believe.) The fact that this imbocile was re-elected makes our country look pathetic. Maybe Kerry wasn’t the best replacement, but anyone would be better than Bush.

    I am also really tired of the way the “right-wing, conservative” Republicans care so much about our freedom in this country and tout religion all the time, but don’t want to do anything to help our own poor people. Is that what is tells us to do in the Bible? Is that what Jesus would do? Perhaps he would start a war in a country and try to associate it with what another man and his followers did to us (9/11) and kill thousands of innocent people, including our service men and women? You have all of your views and ideas messed up to fit what you want it to fit. Never mind how un-Christian or immoral it is. Quit talking about morals and walk the talk. Treat people as you would want to be treated, no matter how poor or different they are from you.

    Our country has been so great for so long and a lot of that has to do with our personal freedoms, including separation of church and state, which seems to have gotten lost in this past election. Do you think that our founding fathers came up with this idea to protect the church? Think again. It was to protect our country from being controlled by religious zealots. So what do we do? We elect a man who believes he was chosen by Jesus to lead our country. This is down right scary and makes no sense at all.

    Quit rambling about morals and religion and be a good person and try to help anyone who needs it. That is the kind of thing Jesus will be looking at (if Christianity is your religion), not if you voted for G-Dummy Bush or not!

  • December 15, 2004 at 5:45 am
    ctyre says:
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    Michael Moore could be reading these posts. Its obvious the guy is so anti-Bush, he wouldn’t stop at any turn to give people his opinion. Unfortunately, you and others agree with him- I don’t so get over it. BTW, I am sure you donate a large % of your income to charitable organizations to help those in need. If not don’t fret, most liberals like you don’t do anything except complain and beg the government to raise taxes. Never met a liberal who did anything but complain. Haven’t you guys figured out that is why you lost the election??? A lot of hot air with no real solutions to make things better. Good luck and remember- everyone has a right to his or her opinion.

  • December 16, 2004 at 7:46 am
    ctyre says:
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    Once again Id like to appologize for sticking my foot in my big mouth again. Some of the things I said about liberals were ignorant and untrue. I know I need to be more open minded, once again I am very sorry for offending anyone with my foolish statements! Next time I promise to think before I post.

  • December 16, 2004 at 7:51 am
    M says:
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    Someone needs to seriously grow up. You are acting like a child. I have read ctyre’s posts before and they are conservative right wing. So instead of resorting to childish pranks maybe you should either post a valid arguement or stop reading the big people’s magazine and go play with your blocks.

  • December 16, 2004 at 8:33 am
    jen says:
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    That’s right – everyone has a right to their opinion, including me. So “quit complaining” like a liberal and get over it! By the way, what is a liberal exactly? Some “liberal” ideas from the past include social security, equal rights for all and allowing women and blacks to vote. Which of these “liberal” ideas do you not agree with?

    You’re so quick to put down “liberals,” but all Republicans ever do is help themselves and their big business buddies get richer and richer and screw EVERYONE else (and close their eyes to the real problems in our country.) Screw the budget! How can we have all of these tax cuts and war and balance a budget? Do you not think the budget needs to be balanced? What CEO of a company would keep his job if he created the kind of deficit Bush has? Think about it and quit whining about liberals not doing anything. I haven’t seen the conservatives of the world knocking down the doors with great ideas to save the world! Get over yourself! How can our country be great if we don’t help our own people?!

  • December 16, 2004 at 10:58 am
    M says:
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    We all know that CTYRE is a right wing ******* so cant we just get on with things?

  • December 16, 2004 at 11:02 am
    jen says:
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    I don’t have to donate my money to charity. This is because I don’t have any either, I spend my time lobbying for idealistic laws in the government it is hard work. I would rather force other to see things my way and do things the way I want them done. I respect everyone’s ideas as long as they are like mine. I also believe that I am smarter than everyone else so it is to their benefit to just listen to me.

  • December 16, 2004 at 2:47 am
    the real jen says:
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    Good message “jen!” Someone out there is likes to hide behind names that already exist and is not man/woman enough to make their comments without dogging others. Whatever turns you on!

  • December 16, 2004 at 4:14 am
    W says:
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    Ctyre your postings are hilarious. I love when you tell Moore to go to Afghanistan and then how you cleverly made his nickname “I AM A SOCIALIST JERK”. But my favorite is when you call the people names because they do not agree with you but tell them that everyone has a right to their opinion. That is very clever and constructive. You sure make a lot of grand statements but I do not see any evidence to back this up. “Most liberals don’t do anything but complain” or “why you lost the election???” pretty grand but just statements not facts. Then you say “A lot of hot air with no real solutions to make things better.” I was looking through your postings and I have not seen these “real solutions” you bring to the table that no one else is bringing. I do not believe it is too much to ask that you try and be civil and constructive. If not, then you have no point except to try and antagonize someone else. That my friend is a lot of hot air.

  • December 17, 2004 at 4:05 am
    CM says:
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    This article had nothing to do with Clinton or Bush, Or if you are republican or democrate. I am so tired of people bringing politics and the war and 9/11 where they don’t belong. This article was about a man who stole lots of money and is now paying for his crimes. I feel sorry for who every is out there copying these peoples thoughts, this is a childish thing to do. Don’t you have anything better to do?

  • December 17, 2004 at 6:02 am
    RP says:
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    You can’t be serious- but if you are, I’ll enlighten your troubled mind. Pull up a mat, CM.
    You see, every time his Slickness was trying to shove his socialist agenda down our collective throats, he or “The Mrs” would plead their case saying it was “for the children.”
    I was amused by Frankel’s use of the same excuse for his criminal activity. Same excuse used- The Clintons just cost us a Hell-of-a-lot more!
    I hope that you’re sufficiently enlightend CM.
    Now I have to run, as I do have better things to do.

  • December 20, 2004 at 8:30 am
    RP says:
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    Don’t bother pulling up the mat this time, as it appears you’ve been sitting on your brains for the last 12 or so years.
    Bush didn’t send equipment because SlickMaster and his untamable shrew slashed military spending to pay for his mamoth spending on social programs- (remember the ones “FOR THE CHILDREN,” CM?
    The bill for all this now has to be paid- So Pony up and enjoy, CM!

  • December 20, 2004 at 8:33 am
    CM says:
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    Well you think what you want.
    Have a merry christmas!

  • December 20, 2004 at 10:36 am
    RP says:
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    You too, CM.
    GOD’S best to you and your family!

  • December 20, 2004 at 6:53 am
    CM says:
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    Are you serious? You think the Clintons cost us a lot. I’d rather have Bill back then have Bush killing off our soilders.
    Bush has reuied our economy, Our military doesn’t have enough equipment to fight properly, They are dieing because Bush wouldn’t send them the proper equipment because it cost to much.
    You know why we are over in Iraq so Bush can say “this is for you daddy”.

  • December 22, 2004 at 7:11 am
    JA says:
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    RP – the only way the Clintons “cost us a hell of a lot more” is because of all the money that was spent by Ken Starr and the Republicans to “impeach” Clinton for a personal offense that had nothing to do with national security. Millions and millions of dollars that could have been used in much better ways such as…..oh, I don’t know, say for better military equipment for our troops, education for our children, etc. The venom that the Reps spew over Clinton astonishes me. They want to go on and on about how great Bush is (even though the entire world knows he is the sorriest excuse for a human being, let alone the President of the United States) and overlook all of his evils, but let a man get a little nookie on the side, and the whole world should stop to punish him. We’ll never know all of the bad things Bush has done because his record is sealed, but he probably has a little girlie or two in the woodpile somewhere! Quit blaming Clinton for everything and enjoy 4 more years of your idol G-Dummy! We’ll see how good of shape we are in at the end of his term.

    By the way, nice job in Iraq, Bush! Nothing Clinton ever did (good, bad or indifferent) compares to the mess that Bush created in Iraq to protect the oil fields (at least 1300 Americans are dead now and thousands more Iraqis, and there will be many more before it is over with.) This war is not about terrorism, and most of us can admit that.

  • December 22, 2004 at 7:15 am
    CM says:
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    JA I couldn’t agree with you more.

  • December 22, 2004 at 6:05 am
    RP says:
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    Stop holding back, JA- tell us how ya really feel!

  • January 7, 2005 at 6:28 am
    Sanny says:
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  • January 19, 2005 at 3:23 am
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  • July 13, 2007 at 2:05 am
    ahmed says:
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    It\’s a very good site!

  • July 14, 2007 at 11:24 am
    sink says:
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    Very nice work, admin :) Good luck!L

  • July 14, 2007 at 11:24 am
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  • July 16, 2007 at 11:42 am
    Amanda says:
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    Great tutorial.g

  • July 27, 2007 at 9:01 am
    jak says:
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    Very good site! I like it! Thanks!

  • September 14, 2007 at 12:38 pm
    mink says:
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    Thank you for you work! Good Luck.i

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