Pennsylvania Declares Flooding Emergency

June 27, 2006

  • June 28, 2006 at 8:41 am
    Hal says:
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    The heavy rains are caused by global warming. Global warming is caused by the excessive hot air from Washington.

  • June 28, 2006 at 12:18 pm
    Ned says:
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    Most notably, Al Gore who is blowing his hot air ABOUT global warming.

  • June 28, 2006 at 12:26 pm
    Hal says:
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    Somebody at the Associated Press named Seth Borenstein, identified as the AP\’s \”science writer,\” wrote an article stating that scientists have OK\’d Al Gore\’s global warming movie for accuracy. According to Borenstein, the 19 climate scientists he asked agreed Gore got it right. But the headline didn\’t say \’19 climate scientists OK Gore\’s movie.\” It just said \”scientists,\” implying…well, pretty much everybody.

    But you see…in this day and age, news travels quickly. And somebody was watching the wires…and decided to take on the AP. That somebody turned out to be the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works. They have called into question a number of the AP\’s \”facts\” about global warming, including:

    The article ignored \”scores\” (a score is 20, for those of you fresh out of government school) of scientists that have criticized the Gore movie.

    The committee also notes that the AP article fails to list all 19 climate scientists sourced for the piece, nor do they disclose the 100 top climate researches mentioned in Borenstein\’s article.

    Gore\’s movie relies on the \”hockey stick\” graph that allegedly shows temperatures were stable for 900 years, then spiked in the 20th century. That theory has been completely discredited.

    The rebuttal goes on and on. So once again, the AP has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar…this time all the way up to their elbow. What they don\’t want to admit is that global warming is a theory….and a theory not supported by all scientists. The debate is nowhere near being over.

    Remember … global warming is not an environmental issue. It\’s a political issue.

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