Maryland County Proposal Calls for Contracts for Domestic Workers

By Stephen Manning | February 1, 2008

  • February 1, 2008 at 12:52 pm
    Scott says:
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    Domestic workers have the right to negotiate their employment terms already. This proposal is unnecessary and insulting to domestic workers with half a brain enough to work only for a wage they will accept. Does the boy who shovels my walk require an employment contract? How about workers’ compensation benefits? What about parking accommodation, health insurance and retirement benefit options? Do I have to obtain a work permit and proof of citizenship before hiring him? The answer to all is of course not. This is yet another example of our government gone astray. They need to stop financing sports franchises and promoting gambling and start serving their constituents. Stop burdening us with over-the-top regulatory restrictions that invade every part of our lives.

  • February 2, 2008 at 2:14 am
    wudchuck says:
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    your are exactly right. if they already have that priviledge, they sure can exact a right to just leave the job. granted, i might ask for a workmans comp if that dog bit me where i was the nanny or the child that bit my hand. at least have my medical bills sought for in relationship to the job i was performing and the hazards that ensue. but this can be negotiated as part of a contract. nannies, housekeepers or even butlers all have the same privy to a contract. this does not mean the government can step in. i think someone probably had a nanny and they left. figuring if they had a contract, at least they have something to fall back on. government run amock covering an issue that probably not many folks have. how many folks have a nanny? 5%? i don’t know. but they are probably rich and can afford to give me a contribution to my election campaign if i move this legislation along. um…

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