Mass. AG Urges State Reject FAIR Plan Home Insurance Hikes

March 12, 2008

  • March 12, 2008 at 7:52 am
    Jane Logan says:
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    The rate increase is actually much higher when you consider Wind Deductibles went from 1% to 5% while at the same time rates increased. The Wind Deductible is considered a “rule” and not “rate” change so it was not part of the public hearing process. Along with rate and deductible increases, the new building code increases replacement costs – which means higher wind deductibles, higher premium and less coverage. The Attorney General should be commended, the Commissioner of Insurance impeached.

  • March 12, 2008 at 1:17 am
    Befair says:
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    ClosingaAttornies give back all that money they made for closing costs when they hurt people with refinance scams and give proceeds to Mass Property
    Martha Coakley’s go after the real scams
    How about lowering Attorney rates? Limiting liabitity payouts that raise rates- 1/3 to Attorey?

  • March 12, 2008 at 5:48 am
    John Q Agent says:
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    Hey Martha- We know you’re trying to make a name for yourself, so how ’bout going after some real CROOKS, MURDERERS, or maybe a POLITCAL HACK or two for a change… Maybe really earn your pay….
    All The Hard-Working Honest Insurance People You Love to Hate

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