AIG Executive Defends Multimillion Dollar Bonuses at Connecticut Hearing

By Ted Lorson | March 27, 2009

  • March 27, 2009 at 12:48 pm
    Patti says:
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    Oh, cry me a river!!

  • March 27, 2009 at 2:20 am
    Dave says:
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    This purely un-American lynch-mob effort to shame and discredit these AIG folks needs to called what it is. A political witchhunt!

    They committed to stay and clean it up with the promise of compensation. How can you remotely justify taking, taxing or pressuring for surrender of that compensation?

    Ironically, this shameful lynching will result in less $ back from AIG as the capable folks walk away in disgust.

    This event represents a dark day in American History. SHAME!

  • March 27, 2009 at 2:42 am
    Deb says:
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    Good ol’ Nancy Pelosi got her way – she was quoted as saying “we want our money back”. I say that we taxpayers “want our money back” from every single politician hired and paid by the people to do a job and who don’t do it – which would be the majority of them. If the President and Congress had done their jobs, this whole mess could have been avoided. This is just the beginning — hold on for a fast and crazy ride.

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