Massachusetts Pike Drivers See Increase in Tickets

June 1, 2009

  • June 1, 2009 at 1:09 am
    More questions says:
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    I feel like we need more information for this to be a valid article. My experience in driving the Pike is that the worst spot was leaving Sturbridge headed South to Hartford on I-84 as soon as you cross the CT state line. It was HUNTING SEASON at that spot.
    You figure this may have raised an additional $200K so far this year and will be 3/4 Mil MORE by year end just by writing an additional 10 tickets per day. Would like to see more analysis of the revenue that Mass is gaining.

  • June 1, 2009 at 1:17 am
    James Aloisi says:
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    As the Chairman of the Mass Turnpike you know we are famous for our huge back-ups on holidays…hey, remember Easter Sunday this year…dozens of toll booths closed…cars backed up for miles….beautiful! We are now trying something new…speeding tickets for everyone! Every 5th driver will get an expensive speeding ticket to jack-up our revenue…excuse me…for “safety’s sake.”
    The Mass Turnpike…ee should have been put out of business in 1962…but there’s just too many political appointees working here…so we’re safe forever!!!

  • June 1, 2009 at 1:36 am
    Druid says:
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    Travelling the pike (or any roadway lately)is interesting. Highway ramps are treated like launching pads. If you are doing 71 MPH, it is like standing still as cars fly by you. I think the increase in ticketing is only because there are that many more ignoring speed limits.

  • June 2, 2009 at 6:48 am
    wudchuck says:
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    so how can we connect the dots w/those folks that are anti-toll with speeding? some is not right here. if they were anti-toll, they would be going through the tollbooths w/o paying. speeding tickets?! is a totally different animal. toll money is supposed to take care of the toll road and the folks that run it. speeding tickets go for anything w/in that county to be used. so they don’t go hand-n-hand.

  • June 4, 2009 at 1:03 am
    MA Resident says:
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    Druid, I couldn’t agree more! The Pike is notorious for cops patrolling it and being much less forgiving. I don’t travel on that road often but when I do, I pay much more attention to the speedometer than I do anywhere else.

  • March 1, 2013 at 2:41 pm
    Q says:
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    My kid was given a ticket that was for 100 dollars- cop reduced it as they do- got a paper in the mail a month later saying it was really for 150 – charged the extra 50 and 55 in late fees saying they would go after my kids license. I am on hold for one -hour now. All three of our household looked at the ticket and check.We are in nearby Ct.

    MassDOT is clearly corrupt and looking to max out revenue by fraud and coercion, especially on out of staters. I will avoid the pike at all cost and not do anything in MASS that is optional. NOTHING that entails toll roads or paying money to any business there.

    This is coercion and corruption at its worse and should be investigated.

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