Documents Show Connecticut Officials Were Warned about Chimp

By | June 22, 2009

  • June 22, 2009 at 12:46 pm
    Closest Relative says:
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    This was a complete disaster for all involved.

  • June 22, 2009 at 3:04 am
    Dread says:
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    Our country is constantly choking on the out-dated language of the Constitution that hasn’t kept pace with the evolution of society. People’s “rights” to live in a society without fear of monkeys and human animals have been trumped the the formality of the “rights” of the deviants. To add insult to injury, lawyers and politicians lack the balls to speak out and attempt to be the voice of reason and common sense in such matters. In spite of the Constitution, there are some things in life people shouldn’t have the “right” to do. All the left-wing liberals cry that’s repressive government and limiting people’s rights is a threat. I suggest it’s responsible government that will keep the country from turning into a freaking zoo.

    In this case, the state of Connecticut should bear the consequences of its inaction and negligent indifference to human life. The same goes for any wild beast that has even the potential to maime and kill.

  • June 22, 2009 at 4:22 am
    JB says:
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    Oh no, another misguided opinion regarding the U.S. Constitution being some kind of “living, breathing” document, that needs to “change with the times”, or some such nonsense. The founders purposely made it very difficult to amend the constitution and, indeed, incorporated into the constitution a “Bill of Rights” (technically speaking the first ten amendments)which were intended to be permanent. What was true in terms of basic citizens rights and protections in 1789 was true in 1889 and will still be true in 2089. Amendments to the constitution have been made since the first ten were ratified in 1791, but it requires very careful thought and deliberation – in fact, it requires approval from 2/3 of both houses of congress and 3/4 of the states in order to amend the constitution. Nowhere in the constitution is deviant behavior a guaranteed right. Individuals do enjoy certain rights and freedoms – within limits. The constitution in fact does give both the federal and state governments certain powers – within limits. I don’t think the constitution needs to be amended to prohibit chimp/wild animal ownership – it’s routinely done under current law.
    I wonder how many U.S. citizens have actually read and understand the U.S. Constitution? My guess is not enough!

  • June 23, 2009 at 7:27 am
    Ralph says:
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    Fact of the matter is…….the constitution is prostituted to fit the whims of a degrading society. Nobody wants to be told what they can and can’t do. That’s absurd. There are too many idiots out there that can’t be trusted to use common sense. They need some direction and that doesn’t always translate to something negative. I want to be protected from the jackasses that have the “right” to own an assault weapon, or a pit bull. They may have the “right”, but that doesn’t mean it’s the sensible thing to do in terms of living in a civilized country. (Maybe if you’re in Detroit or some mid-eastern muslim state). The Consitution was written when people had value and common sense….traits that are hard to find today. That’s why we have a thing called “government”.

  • June 23, 2009 at 12:04 pm
    SA says:
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    There has never been a “time” when people had value and common sense. Such traits have always been the attributes of just a portion of the population (always seems to be too small a proportion).

    The “rights” that are granted to people are there to keep the government in check and the authority granted to the government is there to keep the general population in check. This is the case because there are too many undesirables within both groups. That’s the way it always has been and that’s the way it should stay.

  • June 24, 2009 at 6:09 am
    It's how you use it says:
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    Owning an assault weapon or pit bull isn’t the problem. It’s how they get used by irresponsible individuals that causes the problems. I’m pretty sure there are a number of owners of both out there that have no problems whatsoever.

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