Family Won’t Seek Class Damages for Pennsylvania Webcam Spying

May 14, 2010

  • May 14, 2010 at 8:32 am
    youngin' says:
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    To hear people doing the right thing for a change.

  • May 14, 2010 at 12:39 pm
    Ralph says:
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    this case is huge news in the Philly area. Glad to see the family’s not going to profit from this, but I wonder who’ll end up paying their legal bills?

  • May 14, 2010 at 1:03 am
    TN says:
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    I’m sure that the plaintiff attorney will work a fee settlement agreement into the final paperwork. It IS good to see that somebody “gets it” sometimes it’s not about the money, it’s about getting someone to admit their wrongdoing and take steps to rectify the situation. I’ve got a good tale about where a major company had a chance to rectify a situation for minimal fuss, but chose the hard road. 13 year old girl sitting in a Barnes and Noble, reading a book and wearing a hoodie. Male employee came up to her and to make a long story short accused her of trying to steal a book and demanded that she raise her jacket to prove otherwise, and if she didn’t he’d have her arrested. Of course this very reserved shy girl did what she was told, and was extremely embarrased to say the least. Management was informed of the situation on the spot, and a manager came over and stated that it was “unfortunate” that this happened. The parents wanted an apology to the child. The manager refused to do so for whatever reason. So the parents sent a letter to the corporate headquarters and requested 2 things 1. a written apology to thier daughter and conditionally a minimal ($25 or so) gift card for her. They refused on both counts. Parents got a lawyer, he wrote a letter restating the same request and even offering to execute a release if the company so required. Still no. Finally the parents, frustrated and confounded demanded through their attorney $10,000 for their daughter’s embarrasment. The company offered $1,000. The parents agreed with the caveat that a letter of apology would be written to the daughter and even offered to sign a non disclosure agreement. The company came back and rejected their counter, and offered $5,000. No apology. The family still completely dumbfounded by the company’s attitutude accepted and resolved the matter. Needless to say we’ve never been back to Barnes and Nobles since.

  • May 14, 2010 at 1:31 am
    Baxtor says:
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    I thought they just agreed not to do a class action award status as other parents didn’t want to be in a class action case. So how does this say they aren’t going after an award under their own single suit? The article just says they are doing the class action portion only to get things changed. So if other parents want to go after their own award for damages, they can.
    I haven’t read any other news sources so maybe you guys got your info from another source.

  • May 14, 2010 at 1:48 am
    Eagle Eye says:
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    Feh, schematics…

  • May 14, 2010 at 1:54 am
    wudchuck says:
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    also confused, if these are computers issued by the school, why did they issue webcams for these anyways? why would they need them? now, for scanning for where they go, i can see that. picture of you while in bed? did you not close or shutdown the computer prior to going to bed? i think you’d probably put up a camera on your laptop or downloaded the shot. i bet one reason, why not the class action, is because of these variables.

  • May 14, 2010 at 1:59 am
    Dose of Reality says:
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    I’m willing to bet that the reason the passed on that particular class action suit is because they found out what the REAL cost would be in terms of $$ spent by both parties. It is about the money.

  • May 14, 2010 at 2:04 am
    Ralph says:
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    Wud–this has been going on for a while. Apparently, the school had issued laptops to students. They had webcams to track the computers in the event that they were stolen (at least, that’s the school’s story). What happened was a kid was seen “doing drugs” on the webcam, so he got busted by the principal. He later said he was only eating Mike ‘N Ike’s. The kid went to his lawyer and this whole mess absolutely exploded. It appears that there are now literally thousands of pictures that were taken of students.

  • May 14, 2010 at 2:34 am
    wudchuck says:
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    so, if they issued these laptops with webcams, they could have taken them to bars, strip clubs and anything…it would give the principal right to take back the computer…but, why give them a webcam? afterall, they can put locating devices in laptops just like they do with cars… this does not make any sense giving kids webcams…

  • May 14, 2010 at 2:38 am
    Ralph says:
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    exactly, that’s part of the case. Plus, the parents are claiming they didn’t know there was a webcam on the computer (apparently it’s really tiny). It’s being alleged that someone at the school was remotely monitoring the students. Imagine you’re a parent and find out that someone has a picture of your kid sound asleep in his room? Like I said, it’s a complete mess.

  • May 14, 2010 at 3:35 am
    Mongoose says:
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    The camera was operated remotely. The school district could turn it one from their computer. Neither the students or their parents were told of the “tracking” program hooked up to the webcam.

    If he ws doing drugs they could not do anything about it. I guess they forgot about probable cause.

  • May 14, 2010 at 5:53 am
    Nerd of Insurance says:
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    Well, I do not agree with B&N not giving the apology, I understand why they didn’t. the moment they apoligize, they are admitting they did wrong, and thus lose any possible defence they may or may not have had if the family desided to sue them even after they recieved an apology. Just like when you have an auto accident, you should not say you are sorry, even if you think you are 100% at fault.

    “Releases”, just like waivers, are not iron clad.

  • May 19, 2010 at 6:58 am
    XYZ says:
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    not to mention the minors that potentially were dressing while they had the laptop open on their desk in their room….now video/pictures of a minor half dressed? Hmmm…

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