Lead Paint Firms Must Cover Own Costs in Rhode Island Suit

May 27, 2010

  • May 28, 2010 at 7:40 am
    Damien says:
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    For the piddley state of RI, alleged lead paint claims is the asbestos lottery of other states. Lead paint, (that hasn’t been used for over 50 years) isn’t the only source of elevated lead levels in blood. Plumbing systems, car emmissions, and other factors come into play. The ONLY way to get lead poisoning is to eat the stuff, or sand it so it becomes an airborne powder. It is easily painted over…..that’s the remediation. Proving cognitive damages is very difficult. Continuing to badger companies over this dinosauric issue is a waste of resources that could be better used elsewhere. Tell the people who live in the places where the vestiges of lead paint still exist not to let their kids eat the chips.

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