Ex-N.Y. Postal Worker Pleads Guilty to $18K Workers’ Comp Scam

June 22, 2012

  • June 22, 2012 at 4:43 pm
    Roger says:
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    If the roofs were installed under questionable homeowners insurance claims money then I’m really upset!

  • June 23, 2012 at 7:08 am
    Systemic risk says:
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    Another token prosecution to give the appearance, that something is being done. This type of fraud is rampant in the USPS & costs taxpayers billions per year.
    Of course no mention of the fact that this “worker” will still get a gold plated pension & lifetime medical for himself & any spouse.
    Denial of these benefits, would be a real sanction & would significantly deter this fraud. All of our elected official are complicit in this fraud, as they write the rules.

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