For Vermont Police, Checking for Pot-Impaired Drivers Is Work in Progress

By | October 21, 2015

  • October 22, 2015 at 1:18 pm
    Ben Dover says:
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    They should stop pretending it’s about “impairment” and admit it’s about revenue and power. Tax exempts like MADD have also become predatory and pseudoprohibitionary in recent times. Yea I know…you wouldn’t say that if…..blah blah blah. It’s a scam people.

  • October 22, 2015 at 3:42 pm
    Risee Foss says:
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    You know what they say……………put a stop sign in front of a drunk driver & he’ll blow right through it; put it in front of a driver stoned on pot & he’ll stop to wait for it to turn green! People are still so full of reefer madness bs that they believe there is much more impairment than there actually is. Why not an Impairment Test, similar to a video game, that actually measures a driver’s awareness & reflexes? There are probably people that could be stone sober & not pass it!

    • October 22, 2015 at 5:43 pm
      Agent says:
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      So what do you have with a stoned driver who has also been drinking? They often do both. How about the stoned driver who is texting while driving? Do you think they are a danger to other motorists?

      • October 23, 2015 at 12:19 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        What kind of questions are those? Drinking and driving is dangerous on its own, as is texting and driving. It doesn’t matter what additional action you add to it – it’s still going to be dangerous.

        Drinking, driving and eating? Still dangerous. Texting, driving and fiddling with the sat/nav? Still dangerous. Drinking, driving and texting? Still dangerous.

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