Specter of Corporate Exodus Leaves Connecticut Budget in Crisis

By | October 17, 2017

  • October 17, 2017 at 2:40 pm
    Getting out of CT as fast as I can! says:
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    “Connecticut may become more desirable when millennials reach their 40s, Flaherty said”

    I’m 4….1! :) I find NOTHING desirable about this state. Maybe a long time ago, but not in many years. It will def take something drastic and many years for CT to be the “Place to go” again. My daughter is a sophomore in college right now, and even she gets it, she will be leaving the state as soon as she’s done with school. We are TAXED to death in this state. Our town just received our tax bills 10/1/17
    I paid over $500.00 in Car taxes- (Considered Property Tax) alone this year.
    Governor Dannel Malloy is a joke in this state. We have a local radio company right now that actually started a Go Fund me account ” Save CT from the Government” WPLR 99.1 New Haven.
    All money collected will be given to Malloy if he leaves office immediately. LOL
    People here are P*SSED… this state has been run into the ground, and we’ve had enough.
    #cantgetoutfastenough #bymalloy

  • October 17, 2017 at 3:04 pm
    Spencer Williams says:
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    The CT I remember visiting as a kid no longer exists. It is a haven for public sector unions and regular citizens who cannot escape. Beautiful shoreline towns but you get what you vote for so enjoy your Progressive utopia.

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