New York Appoints Group to Draft Legislation for Adult-Use Marijuana Program

August 3, 2018

  • August 6, 2018 at 8:16 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    Anyone who believes the benefits of recreational pot outweigh the factual, documented costs to society; e.g. mental illness/ deficits, traffic accidents, personal injuries, violence, and significant lost workplace productivity, must be ‘dazed & confused’ as a result of a lifetime of pot use.

    Andrew Cuomo is one of a dying breed, spawned from another bold Socialist, Mario Cuomo. He named the new Tappan Zee Bridge after his dad in an 11th hour rider on the NY State budget bill that was stalled for months and had to be acted upon immediately. NY State is becoming one of a few remaining blue states, but will, like Calibfornia, soon “run out of other people’s money” to spend on Socialist agenda issues. Recreational pot will attract stoners, and pot farmers, to add to the tax base. But it will also grow the rates of several types of crime and social & health related problems.

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