IBC Sees Ontario Auto Reform as a Step in Controlling Costs

July 3, 2003

  • April 29, 2004 at 2:22 am
    Nick Ciccaglione says:
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    Here’s one no one talks about…

    Lets blow the lid off the joint spousal auto policy syndrome

    where you both get screwed over, after 2 or more claims between spouses in the last 6 years !!!

    yes you read it right,

    after your third claim on the joint auto policy this is how it works!

    First your claims free policy from your auto insurance carrier of the last 10 years or so sends you a letter 60 days prior to your expiry date,

    This letterhead from one of the biggest insurance company’s tells you, due to your 1 claim and your spouses 2 hard luck claims history in the last 3 years we are raising your premium rate subtancially, again.

    then about 2 weeks before your auto policy expiry date, your broker calls you to tell you that your Auto Ins. carrier is not renewing the auto policy, (Their guidelines have changed)Oh good timing,
    even though your last claim was almost 18 months ago…

    Once you have been declined by 1 auto ins. carrier then you are blacklisted for at least 6 claim free years…

    now your only option is Facility Ins.
    “special risk”
    (thats for the honest citizens wih a conscience that have to drive Insured)
    annual premium
    $ 10,800.00
    (2001 windstar)with (PL& PD only)

    I know of many people these days that drive without auto Ins. or a conscience and gamble with the law and peoples lives!!!

    people we know that have had a
    not at fault accident with an uninsured driver because he could not afford the auto Insurance renewal premiums and say’s he had nothing to lose when he was sued by the injured party.

    Seems no one told you that you are both going to pay dearly
    $50,000.00 to $65,000.00 for the next 6 years for Auto Ins. premiums on a 2001 windstar.

    And you thought a few hundred dollars increase was excessive…

    I can’t even afford Auto ins. on our 1993 plymouth Acclaim for $8,500.00 per year. (no comp. no collision)

    And I have a spotless driving record &
    1 claim in 2002 in 20 or so years…

    This is wrong !!!
    This unmentioned phemomenon in the auto Insurance carrier industry,

    They only want your Premium money if you have 1 or less claims in 6 years!!!

    The government needs to address the auto ins. carriers, industry
    by enforcing a disclosure of this highhanded tactic used on spouses under the same policy!!!

    and people everywhere in Ontario must be made aware of this royal screw over.

    It a wonder how they can get away with it as if “hey, sorry about your luck”

    for those 2 rainy day mishaps in 6 years

    I have the right as a Canadian citizen to get a renewal from my existing carrier after over 2 decades of claims free driving & clean driving record
    in Ontario.

    They dump you Now, when you need them most, to help get you back on your feet !!!

    please comment by e-mail if you have had a similar situation

    we are compiling a petition list join us in protest,

    if we don’t act on these and other insurance premium rate secrets, increases & other situations then eventually you will suffer too…

    stop the slaughter now !!!

    Nick & Lori


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