Happy Valentine’s Day Survey for U.K.’s Over 50’s

February 14, 2006

  • February 14, 2006 at 9:38 am
    Bob Segeer says:
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    Stupid Cupid\’s aim is unerring, so why don\’t we sue for recklessness?

    While we are at it, throw in State Farm Insurance.

    Happy Valentine\’s Day!

  • February 14, 2006 at 11:38 am
    Ortho Patient of David Burton says:
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    Scott is out; Frist is in
    Where does Columbia/HCA go from here?

    Senator Bill Frist:

    Where does Columbia/HCA go from here? 8/25/88?

    Bill Frist when are you going to speak out against Columbia/HCA and their envolvement in the California Worker\’s Compensation crisis?

    Mr. Bill Frist are you just as unaccountable and Out of Control? as the Hospital Corporation is? your family founded?

    Mr. Bill Frist are you in alignment with the false stated medical records emanating from Good Samaitan Hospital, San Jose California?

    Mr. Bill Frist is your oppinion? absent medical records… is a based quality medical response in determination of injury?

    Mr. Bill Frist is also your oppinion that futher investigation in acquiring said medical records, would in turn later produce false medical records suggestive of congential defects?

    Mr. Bill Frist, as a US Sentor of Tennessee and family founder, of HCA. Is it plausible that the Hospital\’s retro recordings of documentation and inserted as Dr. Edward Klofas would too eliminate HCA\’s standards of excellence or add delivery confirmation?

    Mr. Frist do you think leading the viewer\’s of said medical records is a challenge to the manufacturers quality or the patients?

    Mr. Frist, to come to a conclusive determination of liability would Mr. George Bush or Vice President Cheney comment on your behalf?

    Mr. Frist have you noticed the multiple contributions to President Bush by Malik Hasan, Nuerologist?

    Mr. Frist have your ever thought of the advantages of Presidential Bush as a US distraction or Saudi attraction of trade mark benefits?

    Mr. Frist, as a senator, does the first Gulf War show any measure, dollar to dollar of collusion to the 911 and Iraq War?

    Mr. Frist, any studies thus far?

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