Sources Report AIG Execs in Europe Resist Returning Bonuses

By | March 26, 2009

  • March 26, 2009 at 3:52 am
    Baxtor says:
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    Why not give them their bonuses, if it was in their contract to do so? Who is going to hire these people in the future? They’ll need the money to live. I say lets take the money from the law makers who voted yes on all these bailouts, including Paulson. We’ll take it out of their pay until it’s paid up in full, since the tax payer had no say in any of this and the law makers made that decision on their own. Oh wait, that would be responsibility which our law makers are just as arrogant as the CEO’s.

  • March 27, 2009 at 7:51 am
    Bum'ed says:
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    As much as I dislike the Gov’t. involved in how much a Corp. can pay an employee, there appears to be a ‘complete abdication’ of responsibility by these Corporate boards to their shareholder’s, and since AIG is — for all intents and purposes–owned by the Gov’t., they should return them, or be fired ! Simple choice. Next issue to resolve is how to remove some of the ‘dolts’ that sit on these board’s, and replace them with some unbiased bussiness people that will keep these Corp. Executives from ‘raiding the company treasury! Some apparently forget that they are “owned” by their shareholders !!!

  • March 27, 2009 at 11:37 am
    Working man says:
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    The boys up on the hill are the ones that deregulated the the whole Borgata years ago. I find it amazing how they want to swing all of the attention to the AIG employees that received there bargain under contract.Americans should be outraged at the boys up on the hill none of this could have happened if it was not for there poor decisions period. The most amazing thing is they will never have to answer to anybody.

  • March 27, 2009 at 1:13 am
    Enough already says:
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    As distasteful as the $165 million of bonus are, the government is spending multiple times that amount being upset about it with many days of lost time, endless inquiries, etc. Instead of wasting additional time, why can’t we collectively move forward and put legislation in place to prevent this senerio from happing again? Our elected officials brought this problem on by rushing to throw money around without the proper safeguards in place. Since we (the Citizens) elect our officials, the blame goes to all of us collectively. I say let the people have their bonuses, quit wasting our collective energy being angry about it, pass legislation so it won’t happen again and then do all we can to get new representatives elected on the next go around.

  • March 27, 2009 at 5:53 am
    Jarana says:
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    If our government had been doing their job of watching over how money was being spent by AIG, those checks wouldn’t have gone out in the first place. What is our government doing? Did they just hand over the money to AIG and thats it?


    I must be old fashioned – I thought bouses were incentives to make a company profitable, not run it into the ground.

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