U.S. Hurricane Center Director Says Haiti is ‘Biggest Concern’

By | May 26, 2010

  • May 26, 2010 at 1:08 am
    Tom says:
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    Do you think that people living under green tarps might be at risk! Not to worry, Pres Obama is keeping a close eye on it, as he is with the oil spill disaster. I have full confidence that the Dems will handle this-ooh wait, I remember someone telling me that the difference between a Rep and Dem was that a Rep would throw you a rope but it would reach only half way. The Rep would then encourage you to get to the rope and be there at the other end holding tight when you got there. A dem would throw you a rope that was plenty long enough but as you grabbed it, decide that something else needed attention and let go the rope. If I were a Haitian, and a Dem threw me a rope, I guess I would use it to tie myself down and pray (strike that last remark as the rope was surely provided by the gov and we must have seperation of church and state).

  • May 26, 2010 at 1:08 am
    Tom says:
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    Do you think that people living under green tarps might be at risk! Not to worry, Pres Obama is keeping a close eye on it, as he is with the oil spill disaster. I have full confidence that the Dems will handle this-ooh wait, I remember someone telling me that the difference between a Rep and Dem was that a Rep would throw you a rope but it would reach only half way. The Rep would then encourage you to get to the rope and be there at the other end holding tight when you got there. A dem would throw you a rope that was plenty long enough but as you grabbed it, decide that something else needed attention and let go the rope. If I were a Haitian, and a Dem threw me a rope, I guess I would use it to tie myself down and pray (strike that last remark as the rope was surely provided by the gov and we must have seperation of church and state).

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