Time Out for the World Cup

By | June 11, 2010

  • June 11, 2010 at 12:59 pm
    pele says:
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    soccer ?
    “futbul” ?
    C’mon !
    It’s nothing more than Kickball, and boy..is it BORING !

  • June 11, 2010 at 1:31 am
    wudchuck says:
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    first of all, it’s soccer and called fussball… when folks call it football, i think folks just don’t realize that it is totally different… i used to play as a kid in high school… it may seem boring but it can be a very active game, just it takes so long to setup and score.

  • June 11, 2010 at 1:31 am
    C. Fielder says:
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    Let me guess. Baseball fan. I will admit, to the “uneducated”, soccer can be difficult to watch. But at least the players are real athletes. Let me describe a baseball game.

    Smith looks in, shakes off the first sign. It’s a beautifal day here in Shea Stadium. 75 degrees with a few clouds in the sky. Smith likes the next sign. Here’s the windup, and he throws to first. Just misses the tag. (Smith scratches himself, then spits) Rodriguez steps into the batters box, adjusts himself, sets up for the pitch. And here it comes… low and to the outside. Speaking of low, there are new low rates at USA Bank. Call a rep today. Back to the action on the field. Whoa! Looks like we have the wave going here. How about that?!?!? Smith settles in again, shakes off the first sign, then the next, then the next, then the next, then the next, finally likes what he sees. The windup, delivery, strike. 97 mile and hour fastball. Rodriguez back to the box and…

    And these exciting games last how long?!?! HOURS?!?!?! Watching grass grow is more entertaining!

  • June 11, 2010 at 1:36 am
    wudchuck says:
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    well, any sport has it’s boring moments, but both of these sports require you to be an athlete. if you really think about boring, if it was not for accidents, NASCAR would be boring, after all, they drive in circles most of the time. loop after loop, after loop. or best thing about hockey is the fighting! other than that its a fast moving game, smaller rink means more action… now, if this world cup would have moved the gamestyle to indoor soccer, then you really have an interesting game… the more boring sport to watch on tv is GOLF! so there are more sports and more boring places to be w/in those sports…

  • June 11, 2010 at 1:48 am
    C. Fielder says:
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    With you on that, wudchuck! I don’t understand how NASCAR can attract so many fans when it simply is one big, long left turn!

    I guess we could debate the level of athleticism required to play soccer, baseball, golf, football… I challenge anyone to play 45 minutes of soccer vs. a few innings of baseball, vs 2 quarters of football, vs a few holes of golf. Only hockey players could keep pace!

    Go USA!

  • June 11, 2010 at 5:37 am
    Hugh says:
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    The worlds best sport is “Bedroom Olympics”…- you know; ( I really can’t say it, cause this is a family web-site..-
    but you call it “push, push in the bush”, & let us keep it to the heterosexual type
    (er..-sorry you other guys; another time/another place, ok ?)
    -First, it’s enjoyable
    Second, it takes some effort
    Next, it’s sport-like, I mean, if you’re into the hitting, spanking, & biting scene.
    (who me ? nuh-uh !)
    And, I’ve never heard a guy say he was bored in the act.
    ..well, I knew a guy once who hooked up with “Bangkok Betty” in Thailand. He said she was eating a banana while he was,.. oh yeah.., I just remembered :it’s a family site

  • June 14, 2010 at 8:36 am
    Countershaft says:
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    Hemmingway pointed out that there are only three sports played on this earth. Bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motorsports. The rest of the so called sports are merely games. BTW I abhor bullfighting even though I’m a Hemmingway fan.

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