Korean Navy Rescues Hijacked Crew; Kills 8 Pirates

January 21, 2011

  • January 21, 2011 at 1:55 pm
    Antoninus says:
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    S. Korea’s action have improved the security of that nation against terrorism. If only the world would stop being cowards and begin public excutions of terrorist thereby promote peace.

  • January 21, 2011 at 2:48 pm
    GL Guru says:
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    Way to go Korea!

    That is the way to do it instead of having 5 naval ships floating around a small terrorist boat waiting for the President to tell a sniper he can do it.

    I say take the battle to the source and quit pussy footing around. Attack international ships, we will take you out.

  • January 21, 2011 at 2:49 pm
    NO Tolerance says:
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    The ROK marines are nothing to fool with. Worked with them in the past and continue to be impressed with their “efficiency”. Take a lesson world…arm your ships and blow them out of the water before these bottom feeders even get the chance to board. If they get on board..take them out. Only way to handle vermin like this.

  • January 22, 2011 at 9:16 am
    Rocket88 says:
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    It’s about time something is being done against these pirates. The UN should award S Korea a contract to keep the waters safe. It’s obvious that unlike any other country in the world, they take these pirates seriously enough to initiate mortal combat if deemed necessary. Bravo. What do we do here in the US? We treat them like citizen criminals and give them all the rights that US citizens enjoy. These are Pirates for goodness sakes. Off to the yard arm with them like they did in the 18th century. But spinless Holder would rather give them Cream Puffs in the morning and tuck them in at night. What a disgrace.

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