HSBC Close to $1B Insurance Sale to AXA, QBE: Reuters

March 1, 2012

  • March 2, 2012 at 6:10 am
    tagteam says:
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    For all of you clowns trying to tell others that QBE is getting ready to hit rockbottom, step back, get out of the way, and watch.

    It’s comeback time! Stock should be well above $16 by year-end 2012, and all business units will deliver industry leading Combined Operating Ratios yet again.

  • March 2, 2012 at 9:25 am
    Skippy Roo says:
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    @tagteam; talk is cheap. What info do you have? If you have inside info, you shouldn’t be sharing it publicly. If you don’t, you know nothing more than anyone else. Probably less, because it seems you were burned by investing in QBE. Can you tell everyone how many catastrophes will hit this year?

  • March 3, 2012 at 7:47 pm
    tagteam says:
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    Info? Track record. Stock was over valued when it hit 30 bucks. But today it is a steal. This is a company that just announced a Net Combined Operating Ratio better than the industry average by about 10 points. QBR routinely is among the most profitable carriers in the world. They – make – money !

    And actually, it sounds like Skippy Roo has an axe to grind. Skippy, did you buy at $30?

  • March 3, 2012 at 7:49 pm
    tagteam says:
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    And you clown. If I had insider info on QBE, I wouldn’t be posting it on Insurance Journal.

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