Iran Oil Shipments Skirting Tanker Insurance Ban

By Chen Aizhu and | July 12, 2012

  • July 12, 2012 at 1:44 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    What a crock. Maybe we should boycott the countries that are still buying crude from Iran. Oh wait, the US governemnt is too afriad to upset their biggest debt purchaser, China, so let’s just leave them alone and make our US citizens who did nothing wrong, continue to pay a premium on crude. IF the US had any balls, they would stop the Iranian tankers and just take their fuel for our own use. That way, it’s a win win. We get free crude, so to speak, and they get no money. That would put the pinch on them. Oh and lastly, Japan is going to start buying from them again. I have an idea, why don’t we pull our military out of Japan as the world war is over, and let them start paying their own way. See how they like trying to defend themselves from an attack. Military is expensive and we provide it to them free of charge and they have the balls to ignore our requests to not do one simple thing, buy crude from Iran. The US has to be the laughing stock of the world.

    • July 16, 2012 at 8:51 am
      Walter says:
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      Stopping a tanker and taking the oil is piracy and quite illegal. NO COUNTRY on earth would stand for that, because it would set a precedent that would be hard to stop if it starts. 95% or more of all world trade would be in jeopardy and subject to piracy from other nations for their own political ends.

    • July 19, 2012 at 9:31 am
      Bartleby says:
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      Japan has gotten our sign off on the exemption. I don’t know if China has or not, but Japan is cool with it.

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