Canada’s Economical Insurance Moves Closer to Becoming Public Company

By | November 4, 2015

  • January 11, 2016 at 9:50 pm
    JEFF D HADDEN says:
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    I just got a letter from Mr. Peter Andrew Timo who claims to work for The Economical Insurance Group, in Canada. This letter claims that there is an unclaimed enheritance estate of $9.2 million from Mr Joe Hadden, a US citizen who died in London in 2006, from cardiac arrest. This individual claims that he can probably connect me to this estate. I am quite sure this is a “scam”, but on the off chance that it is real, I thought that I would ask you to check it out. The letter claims that this estate is “in open beneficiary status” and that I should be “absolutely discreet” about it until I am able to claim the funds. Mr. Timo’s only contact information is e-mail; There are also several gramatical errors here, which I view as an indicator of “scams”.

    • January 16, 2016 at 5:05 pm
      Steven says:
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      Just got the exact same letter only the deceased was listed as Joe Fagenstrom, an ancient relative of mine who died in California not england. This is a scam.

    • April 20, 2016 at 4:28 pm
      Roberta says:
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      Yes, same person. It happened to me today. 4/20/16 Same story. If he really worked for the bank he would not use a gmail account or gray copied paper with no address.

  • January 16, 2016 at 4:17 pm
    Dave Nell says:
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    We also recieved the same letter today (1/16/16) only Peter Andrew Timo works for TD Trust Bank and our deceased “relative” is Mr. Joe Nell. It s a photocopy letter. Like the above comment indicates, the e-mail address and grammatical errors, in addition to not the full name of the deceased, are just some of the aspects that make this highly suspicious of a scam. And no, I am not responding to Mr. Timo.

    • January 20, 2016 at 11:52 am
      Clifford Tollini says:
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      We had also received the same letter on 1-16-16 from a Peter Andrew Timo that claimed to work for TD Canada Trust bank and our deceased “relative” is, imagine, Mr. Joe Tollini and he has left 9.2 million dollar unclaimed inheritance. He is a US citizen but died of a cardiac arrest in Canada. He says be discreet until I am able to claim the funds, then once they are released to me it will be shared between the two of us, meaning he and I. What a idiot, this guy is a real piece of work. Scam, scam scammer!!!!

      • February 4, 2016 at 12:22 pm
        Diane Pepper says:
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        Yesterday I recieved a letter dated 1-12-16 in the mail from the same person no return address or phone # on it thats what made me know it was a scam, this needs to be reported before someone falls for it!

  • February 1, 2016 at 12:17 pm
    les paul says:
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    I received a similar letter with the the name of a family member (still alive) delete delete delete

  • February 4, 2016 at 12:34 pm
    Diane Pepper says:
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    Recieved a letter in the mail yesterday. I new it was a scam no return address or phone # on it. This needs reported before someone falls for it !!!!!

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