Dubai Stages First Public Test of Drone Taxi Service with Electric Volocopter

By Sara Clemence | September 27, 2017

  • December 6, 2017 at 8:22 am
    JerrySteiner says:
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    The government of the Dubai has done another right thing. Everyone understands that transport networks move from earth to sky. Using Voloсopter is another proof of this. The government of Dubai will not only attract attention, but will also be able to make money on it. They will be able to sell projects and solutions that they have made for their city. We will let them use not only Voloсopter, but also other modern means of transport. For example, Airbus Vahana has a number of advantages (see infographics It’s faster and bigger. In addition, its engines can be turned in a horizontal position and give the aircraft a good acceleration.

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