Climate Scientists Warn that Australia’s Bushfires Could Become the New Normal

By | January 14, 2020

  • January 14, 2020 at 7:57 pm
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    Climate Scientists rely on perpetuating their hoax so as to continue to receive grant money for more useless ‘studies’ such as this one.

    Wildfires’ increased frequency over the last few decades is almost completely due to the change in forest management practices that does not permit clearing debris through several means.

    Hoaxers: get over yourselves and your ruse; you’re not fooling anyone with an IQ over 80.

    • January 16, 2020 at 10:50 am
      Jon says:
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      Prove any part of your statement. That climate scientists are in it for the money. That is absurd and more right-wing party faux-logic meant to obfuscate the fact that major corporations make money off of the current status quo. Your corporate overlords don’t want to try and do anything about climate change, because their bottom line would be affected. You are a shill for big business, lacking in evidence. This is proven by the twice now this week you have posted articles as “fact” that were actually opinion sites or straight up conspiracy theory sites. Remember the false yougov poll you claimed from “january” that said 91% of americans were more afraid of terrorism than climate change? Except it was january 2016 and the poll actually said no such thing? Yeah, you’ve been shown to present false information and a lack of facts on this subject over and over, so why should we believe a single thing you say on the subject?

      Or is this the part where you complain that all I ever do is ask you to prove things you have no capability of proving (lies)? Your shtick is getting old Polar. You’re right though, no one is fooling anyone with an IQ over 80, especially you. You’re lowest common denominator aiming at sheep like yourself. It’s cowardly.

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