World Economic Forum Sounds Alarms About Climate Change Risks

By | January 15, 2020

  • January 15, 2020 at 2:13 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    From the article:

    “The political landscape is polarized, sea levels are rising and climate fires are burning,” said WEF President Borge Brende. “This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and reinvigorate our systems of cooperation, not just for short-term benefit but for tackling deep-rooted risks.”

    Wouldn’t it be nice for once to hear from the Climate Zealots what they want to do about the problem that would, you know, actually work? Instead of blaming “polarized politics”, come up with a solution that would work without destroying jobs and the economy. Something that won’t take 40 years to implement like slow-scaling solar and wind.

    Something that won’t leave middle class and poor people far worse off like banning fossil fuels.

    If you want to overcome polarization, let’s hear a plan that could address the issue while not ignoring real costs to real people.

    It will NEVER happen, because people who say they care about climate change don’t bother to study the issue honestly. Nuclear power is the only solution that can scale rapidly. That and growing millions and millions of more trees.

    • January 15, 2020 at 5:14 pm
      Common Sense says:
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      183 people have been arrested for Arson in the Australia fires. Could hoaxers be responsible?

      • January 15, 2020 at 6:12 pm
        Jon says:
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        This was called out as being incorrect on the last article. You commented on the last article, did you just miss this, or are you purposefully spreading false information?

      • January 16, 2020 at 10:36 am
        rob says:
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        Let’s take a step back for a second here. “Climate Hoaxers” claim to love the planet and want to save it, not destroy it, right? do you REALLY believe that “climate hoaxers” would deliberately start fires burning thousands of acres and KILL over a billion animals just to push their “false agenda”? C’mon, man…this is some serious Alex Jonesian conspiracy territory here.

        I don’t blame you personally for believing this. I blame actual “fake news.” It’s at the point where so much misinformation is being spread online by BOTH SIDES (extra emphasis on BOTH SIDES here; I can easily cite several examples where BOTH sides are guilty) that the average person doesn’t take the time to question if it’s the truth. If the news conforms to what we WANT to believe, then it MUST be true, right?

        A lot of people don’t seem to realize it, but It’s ok to admit when we’re wrong in this world. It’s not a sign of weakness but a sign of STRENGTH. It says, “hey, I’m human, I’m not perfect, and I’m learning every day.”

        Hang on to your hats, folks…it’s gonna get much worse.

        • January 16, 2020 at 5:26 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          What’s the solution? Seriously. I am so tired of all the posturing from Climate Zealots about “being right” with no acknowledgement of the costs/problems/complications of all of the so-called solutions.

          As if it were as easy as just calling other people names like “denier”. Presto! No more Climate Change!

          • January 16, 2020 at 5:47 pm
            Jon says:
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            Five years ago your side was pretending climate change wasn’t a real thing. I’m sick of your side assuming you still get a voice at the table when you’ve already been proven WRONG. Now your side likes to pretend man-made climate change isn’t real. You guys also wanted to pretend AIDs wasn’t real, remember that? History shows you being wrong again and again and again. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize the people loudly yelling about “climate zealots” are the same idiots who want the poorest americans to pay to fix the climate instead of the obvious answer. You’re a shill, Craig.

          • January 16, 2020 at 5:55 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Um, you just confirmed the EXACT POINT I JUST MADE! Too funny. The lack of self awareness is awesome. Keep it up!

          • January 17, 2020 at 1:38 pm
            Jon says:
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            The point that your side is wrong and hates being called out for it? Happy to make that point all day bud. Boy your generation really likes to whine any time they’re called out for being wrong, can’t you guys ever hold yourselves accountable for anything? Have some dignity, boomers.

    • January 15, 2020 at 6:16 pm
      Jon says:
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      So just to clarify, the president of the World Economic Forum is a “climate zealot” because he’s encouraging leaders of the world to take action to repair and reinvigorate our systems of cooperation?

      There is literally no scenario in which someone who disagrees with you is not a “climate zealot” is there? Your side is wholly incapable of allowing for the possibility of being wrong, which is why your side will continue to be viewed as a joke by younger generations. Angry boomers that were denying climate change at all that now deny man-made climate change? Yeah, you guys were wrong about climate change. You’re still wrong about man-made climate change. Why should we take you seriously?

      We’ve talked about this many times. It’s really quite simple to find a solution for all our climate related problems. Tax the rich. Heavily. Maybe people who make billions of dollars should pay more than 11%, specifically if those billions are being made off of things like fossil fuels. How about that?

      If you want to overcome polarization, maybe stop having your side loudly proclaim that they know the answer while lying to us about the research and stuffing the pockets of those capitalizing off of the destruction of our planet.

      You know, I almost wondered if we finally shut you down for good, Craig. But glad to see you’re still spreading the same right-wing nonsense. I’m still right here to point out that millions and millions of americans are tired of listening to your generation. :)

      • January 16, 2020 at 5:23 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        “Tax the rich.” Please show me the math on how that would stop climate change.

        Like most Climate Zealots, you haven’t even thought about how to solve the problem, especially if we only have 12 years left like your high priests tell you.

        Show me the math.

        • January 16, 2020 at 5:43 pm
          Jon says:
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          Like most deluded boomers, you aren’t willing to consider that YOU might be wrong about something, which you are. The problem is easily solvable, it just will cost the richest americans, which your side likes to pretend is the end of the world. The 1% have gotten particularly good at considering people like you, who think they’re not poor, to buy the party line about why it’s not good to tax the richest americans. The plans are out there, a viable option exists, you’re just too much of a shill for big business to realize you’re a part of the problem. Other options exist. You’ve been wrong about climate change existing, you’re wrong about man-made climate change existing, sorry you don’t get to keep pretending you’re the authority on the subject. It’s someone else’s turn.

          • January 16, 2020 at 5:58 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Man, you are truly hilarious. The article you linked to said Bernie’s plan would cost $16 TRILLION dollars!!!!!

            Do the math. Do the math. Do the math. There ain’t enough rich people to pay for that. And that ignores the other $100 trillion Bernie needs for everything else he is promising.

            Just hilarious. $16 Trillion.

          • January 16, 2020 at 6:00 pm
            Jon says:
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            Yeah, 3 trillion a year, that would just take FOREVER to get to 16 trillion wouldn’t it? I know you’re bad at English but I didn’t expect you to fail that hard at math too LOL

          • January 16, 2020 at 6:06 pm
            Jon says:
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            PS This is where you being wrong comes in again. Again, you didn’t believe climate change was real at all. Now you’re denying man-made climate change. Your side denied AIDs. Sorry, I call BS at you denying that taxing the rich might fix things.

          • January 16, 2020 at 6:14 pm
            Jon says:
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            Not sure why that one disappeared, but also relevant. A general wealth tax would add another significant boost. You can keep your fingers in your ears and shut your eyes while screaming, but the rest of us are done listening to you. We know that there are better options out there, get ready for irrelevance old man LOL

          • January 16, 2020 at 8:19 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            And again, no math. You really aren’t serious about Climate Change, are you?

          • January 16, 2020 at 8:31 pm
            Jon says:
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            You literally did the math, so you’re either too stupid to read your own comments or you’re trolling once again. Glad we’re back to the basics, you not even trying to hide your trolling as soon as your argument is shut down. Nice try, boomer. There are solutions out there, you’re just sticking your fingers in your ears and shutting your eyes, just like the rest of your generation. Stubborn children that can’t admit they’re wrong. Thanks for proving my point for me, Craig!

  • January 16, 2020 at 1:34 pm
    Earth's Plants says:
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    But we need CO2 to make O for you!

  • January 21, 2020 at 9:53 am
    Jack says:
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    “Deutsche Bank strategists said that the “question of our age” is how much societies would be willing to sacrifice in economic growth to reverse climate change, and that governments will need to work across borders to find solutions.”

    Let me help you understand this comment given none of you read the UN’s Agenda 21 while it was posted online about 10 years ago.

    Rich countries (the top 1%- USA) have to pay their fair share. Sound familiar?

    • January 21, 2020 at 2:21 pm
      Jack says:
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      And I’ll try to make this a little clearer for you know who.
      1. “Societies would be willing to sacrifice economic growth” – Higher taxes and higher prices for consumable goods. That equates to you working harder for “the man” while taking home less and having less disposable income.

      2. “governments will need to work across borders” – That’s the money they just stole from you being spent in other countries.

      You see folks, it ain’t really about saving the planet, it’s income redistribution.

      And that’s a fact Jack!

      • January 21, 2020 at 4:00 pm
        Jon says:
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        Prove it. Prove any of what you just said. That’s what I thought.

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