Missouri Transportation Chief Pushes for Tougher Seat Belt Law

By | February 6, 2009

  • February 6, 2009 at 11:25 am
    LOL says:
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    From the article: “People need to realize the government tells us to do a lot of things, and we don’t always like it, but there might be some things about it that maybe the government really cares,” he said.

    Thank you for the laugh on a Friday IJ. Yes government really cares about us. They care so much about me they make me pay them via ridiculous legislation like this to care that much more.

    Give me a break

  • February 7, 2009 at 2:21 am
    wudchuck says:
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    here’s the problem: with so much other problems nationally, why is the seatbelt an issue? federal money for highways? leave the matter of primary to the state if they feel it’s a need. federal money should be for federal roads, hwys, bridges and harbors. feds already wanted to make the fed money based on speed limits of 55 within certain areas of population. how many states have that complied with that one? i think if you look, how many states have invested into the stock market and their $$$ fell down like the rest of the americans. should we be bailing out?! NO WAY! Bailout is costing us money and bringing the deficit way out of whack. what is so wrong with companies failing? the feds are not going to bail me out if i get fired. if i windup on welfare, government is going to pay me anyways! at least there, you are providing me a small chance to continue my living. i can possibly find a new job. now’s the chance for small companies to grow. if you noticed, more big companies are laying folks off.

  • May 26, 2009 at 1:10 am
    Chelie says:
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    I have a serious issue with the seat belt law. First of all Why should the government be dictating if we wear a belt or not? For our safety? Baloney!!! They don’t care about the person. They care about the money. And Americans have become so accustomed to someone else thinking for them that we have allowed our “government” to run every facet of our lives. This law is unlawful!!! It is a restriction on our freedom. Don’t let them fool you. It’s not about safety, Its about $$$$. We should not be allowing our government to dictate to us. If we choose to wear our seat belts for our own protection, that is our right. If we choose not to, that too is our right. Safety????? Give me a break!!! Wake up America before its too late!!! Don’t let them take any more of our rights away (for their so-called safety’s sake,,,yeah right).

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