Seat Belt Law Change Could Net South Dakota $5 Million

By Terry Woster | February 27, 2009

  • February 27, 2009 at 12:29 pm
    Seatbelt User Most of The Time says:
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    they kill or save. i can’t believe the ONLY thing they can relate to it saving lives is from 18 YEARS ago! have they looked at statistics from other states? they can save you from going out of the windshield or sometimes from slamming your head into the steering wheel, but there are times where it kills because of intrapment, cutting off breast and bleeding to death, etc. why can’t they just leave it to the driver? ALL BABIES/KIDS (up to a certain height) SHOULD BE IN CARSEATS! i do agree with that!

  • February 27, 2009 at 12:54 pm
    Dread says:
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    This is another federal pork giveaway. They get $5M if they pass a seat belt law, ostensibly to be used for public safety, but not really. They only have to channel $1M to safety, the rest can be spent on anything.

    The potential social costs in the form of increased medical expense for more severe injuries and increased lost productivity for being out of work warrant 100% compliance. You shouldn’t be allowed to drive a car without keeping a seatbelt on. It should not be open for debate. It is sensible and logical. If you go to an amusement park and refuse to wear a safety belt they’ll throw you out.

    For those who don’t give a damn about their own safety and don’t want to use the belt ……fine. BUT, there should be a significant consequence for their outright refusal to protect themselves.

    We need to stop playing games with this. People who refuse to use safety belts should be suject to :

    1. cancellation of their automobile MP and PIP coverage or at least a significant increase in premium.

    2. application of a special deductible in the event injuries could have been avoided or mitigated had a belt been worn.

    3. a $500 fine for the first offense an impounding the vehicle for 15-days.

    These get peoples attention.

  • February 27, 2009 at 2:18 am
    Ben says:
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    Whatever happened to automatic seatblets?

    I would like some so I dont have to reach around and put the dam thing on – Its a pain in the behind.

    They were never popular, but I think they should try again, whats the problem? Youre are gonna where it anyway.

    I just cant reach around too well anymore.

  • February 28, 2009 at 3:56 am
    wudchuck says:
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    for most folks they are tired of making things mandatory. it should be preference they say. federal money should not be used to get things passed. if you want to save lives, then make the costs of insurance change accordingly for payouts of accidents. that is when it will truly hit someone on the head. if i hit you and you could have saved yourself from more harm, then you should pay out of your own pocket for ignorance of being safe. same things goes with the cell phone. how many of those folks have had an accident while on the phone? i know of a city that has changed a law, that if you are involved in an accident and using a cellphone, you are automatically at-fault. reason why they did this: someone lost their life because the other party had no clue as to what was going on. he/she could have prevented their death if they had been looking around and seeing the roadway situation. lucky for him that he was not charged w/being at-fault. the party that died was at-fault for the accident. here’s my problem w/the whole thing. how many of you have to take your seatbelt off, when the officer is asking for your license or registration? how can you defend yourself in court for wearing a seatbelt? can we turn an officer in for not wearing his? or when does not obey the traffic laws w/o his lights being on? or from him abusing his powers to get through obstacles? i have seen officers turn on a light and off just to get through an intersection. that truly gets me mad.

    when will it end? will the officer have to show a picture? how many of you will just pay the ticket? when given a hov violation, does he have proof? or do we just take his word on it? how can we if we see them disobey the law? um…um… where’s the justice?

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