Minnesota’s LeClair Group Launches New Identity, Services

September 6, 2013

Margaret LeClair, CEO of St. Paul, Minn.-based LeClair Insurance, announced the company is changing its name to LeClair Group, and bringing a new package of services to market in connection with the roll-out of federal health care reform.

LeClair Group is capitalizing on its strength and history in providing health insurance products to now offer employee benefit services and human resource consulting, in addition to traditional health and life insurance brokerage services for agents.

LeClair’s growth into human resources consulting services and employee wellness programs will add services such as online employee benefit portals, employee benefit compliance reviews, training and education, administration assistance, and more.

The move toward a full-service perspective is motivated by a long-term plan to provide services for insurance agents, business owners, and individuals. LeClair will be able to directly offer its products to a more varied customer base, as well provide those consumers with comprehensive coverage across departments.

The organization that is now LeClair Group was founded in 1932 in Minnesota.

Source: LeClair Group

Topics Employee Benefits Minnesota

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