17 Lawsuits Filed Against U. of Missouri’s BioJoint Center

September 16, 2019

  • February 22, 2021 at 10:47 am
    edward adelstein says:
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    The use of cadaver bone replacement using the entire joint has a very high rate of failure. After death bacteria flood all tissues of the body as the decomposition process starts quickly. These joints may be clean but are not sterile. They are placed in a special growth media that stimulates bone cells to survive. They say they can be kept at room temperature for 60 days, which is in contrast to blood, a similar graft , which if out of refrigeration for over 4 hours must be discarded. As their early results were not very good they decided to sprinkle autologous bone marrow which will speed up the rejection of non-histocompatible tissue. It is not surprising that when entire joints are replaced their are surgical failures. They are successful as are others with small bone cadaver grafts, but this is a different situation.

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