RIMS to Hold 40th Annual Conference and Exhibition

February 22, 2002

Managing risk worldwide is the timely theme of the Risk and Insurance Management Society Inc.’s annual conference this year in New Orleans, La. The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks highlighted the increasingly important role risk management and insurance issues play in the global economic agenda. The 40th RIMS Annual Conference & Exhibition will address these issues and more with additional sessions and special guest speakers.

David D. Hale, Global chief economist for the Zurich Group, will speak at a luncheon on Thursday, April 18 on the impact of war and terrorism on the insurance industry. An expert on how changes in the global economy affect U.S. security relationships, Hale was awarded the prestigious William F. Butler Award in 1990 in recognition of his outstanding contributions to business economics. Other recipients include Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, Geoffrey Moore and Otto Eckstein.

Other conference speakers include Brian Holloway, former NFL All-Pro and president and CEO of H. Center for Competitive Excellence, on Monday, April 15 and Patricia Fripp, award-winning speaker and author on Tuesday, April 16.

Recognizing the effects of the September terrorist attacks and the Enron scandal on business today, RIMS has added new and relevant sessions to the conference program. New session topics include: Security & Terrorism Issues for Risk Managers; Enron — Lessons Learned & Industry Impact; and Silence is Not Golden — The Art of Dealing with a Crisis.

Other topic sessions include:

— How Far Do the Effects of September 11 Reach?

— An expert panel will address the issues of the Sept. 11 attacks, Enron’s bankruptcy, and surety bonds on the current market.

— What is Driving Prices? Maneuvering the Reinsurance Market — This session will explore ways to help companies maximize alternative insurance vehicles to reduce the total cost of risk and gain more control of risk-financing programs.

— Managing the RIMS QIP at Your Company — Attendees will gain a better understanding of how to implement the RIMS “Quality Improvement Process for the Risk Management and Commercial Insurance Industry” (QIP).

RIMS conference sessions are aimed to help attendees upgrade their skills as well as acquire new knowledge to implement in their positions. Popular sessions already receiving early interest include Hacking Away at Coverage: Insurance Protection for Internet and Cyberspace; Six Sigma Risk Management; Speak Finance Like a Native — The Three Hour MBA.

Business begins Monday, April 15 with the RIMS State of the Society Annual Membership Meeting. Led by David Mair, RIMS president and associate director for risk management for the United States Olympic Committee, he will take this opportunity to introduce the incoming 2002-2003 RIMS president, Christopher Mandel, currently serving as RIMS first vice president.

The RIMS conference exhibit hall opens its doors on Monday, April 15 and features more than 400 industry specialist exhibitors offering solutions for today’s changing marketplace. At least 150 educational and 40 industry sessions will begin the same day. The annual conference and exhibition draws almost 10,000 participants. This year, conference registration is available online at www.rims.org, where further information on sessions, exhibitors and events is available.

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