Bank Insurance Brokerage Fee Income Jumps 22% to Record $3.6 Billion

March 28, 2005

  • March 28, 2005 at 7:47 am
    agent in FL says:
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    Follow the $$…who has the money–the banks! They can continue to BUY their way into this field. As “small broker” said, our supposedly representative Congressmen sold their collective souls to the devil in a BIG $$$ minute!

  • March 28, 2005 at 3:41 am
    Small Broker says:
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    Remember what organizations like Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) said when Congress was considering legislation to remove Depression era limitations on Banks, Insurance Companies, and Securities Brokerages crossing over into each others’ territories? They said it’s OK as long as our members have a level playing field. As I recall, PIA’s main concern was that bank employees should be licensed in order to sell insurance. Well, where is that playing field, level or otherwise? While the banks earned $3.63 Billion in insurance policy commissions last year, how much did you earn from your banking or securities business? What, you earned nothing because you’re not a bank or a securities broker?!? And you don’t have the millions required to become either! I bet that comes as a real surprise to your congressman as he floats down the Potomac on some bank lobbyist’s yacht.

  • March 29, 2005 at 7:24 am
    sensibility says:
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    Snap out of it both of you-we live in a capitalist society with free trade and open competition. Get a grip you whiners!

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