Compensation Study Shows More Agencies Hiring Risk Managers

June 13, 2005

  • June 14, 2005 at 1:47 am
    Jimbo says:
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    The pendulum is swinging again. Years ago agencies tried this and stopped. It’s great to see that larger agencies are again trying for value added services, but one thing to remember, in most cases the claim personnel have minimal to no authority in claims investigating and paying damages (especially in fire, auto liability, work comp & GL where the big dollars are). As for Risk Managers, most who call themselves this in an agency are little more than “Hector the Inspector” and bring little value. Your advice to the client is the important thing, not trying to settle claims or handle OSHA inspections. Good luck because as the market softens and revenues fall, so will your job follow. Ask me, I’ve been there and when you want to do the right job and advise them properly, well, let’s just say agency management will want you to be a salesman and new revenue source, so sell, sell, sell. Who knows, maybe you’ll make a good huckster.

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