W. R. Berkley Forms Accident and Health Company

January 4, 2006

W. R. Berkley Corporation in Greenwich, Conn. has formed Berkley Accident and Health, LLC. Based in New Jersey, Berkley A&H will write accident and health insurance and reinsurance on behalf of W. R. Berkley Corporation’s insurance company subsidiaries.

Donato J. Gasparro has been named president of Berkley A&H. Gasparro has more than 24 years of experience in the healthcare actuarial and underwriting business. He most recently was president of APEX Management Group, a consulting and insurance services organization specializing in actuarial, underwriting, claims management and audit services.

“During the past several years we have examined various opportunities to enter the medical stop loss and personal accident business. We are confident that Berkley A&H will be an outstanding entry into this area of business,” commented William R. Berkley, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of W. R. Berkley Corporation, an insurance holding company that operates in five segments of the property casualty insurance business: specialty insurance, regional property casualty insurance, alternative markets, reinsurance, and international.

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