Judge Weighs How Much Lawyers in Diet Drug Case Owe Plaintiffs

April 9, 2007

  • April 9, 2007 at 11:40 am
    Rosie says:
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    if this was skinny supermodels suing, there\’s no way the trial attorneys would have gotten away with ripping them off like they did. But because these plaintiffs were fat, they can\’t even get this judge to rule in what is clearly a rip off scam by the trial attornies. I\’m disgusted by this news.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:00 am
    Larry says:
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    Your post makes no sense. The lawyers didn\’t get away with it as they are being ordered to return some of the money they took in and the judge needed more time because he needed more information, which sounds perfectly reasonable.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:25 am
    TPG says:
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    Are you the same Rosie who commented on the dog food article? If so, I\’m a big fan of your comments! Not that they make any sense or are intelligent, but they usually spur on some great conversation and debates. Keep up the good work!

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:25 am
    KLS says:
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    While I agree that it seems large people are the last bastion of \”politically correct\” discrimination and bashing, I disagree that size played a big part in this situation.

    I think good old-fashioned GREED was the motivating factor and regardless of the plaintiffs\’ appearances, the lawyers took advantage of the settlement.

    Big people do deserve to be treated with the same respect and fairness as everyone else. Their \”health\” is no one\’s business but their own. However, based on this article and others I\’ve read regarding the same scandal, I haven\’t yet seen evidence that the attorneys thought they could \’get away with it\’ because the plaintiffs were fat.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:54 am
    Beautiful says:
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    Fat people got no reason to live…… or are you saying fat people are dumb like you?
    From your earlier posts, I gather you\’re a fat lady with a pet, and hating yourself!

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:55 am
    Huh? says:
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    Oh yeah, Rosie definitely is from a different planet! She must have been reading from behind her monitor! Maybe it looks different back there with the dust bunnies.

  • April 9, 2007 at 2:44 am
    Da Judge says:
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    What goes around comes around. Did these attorneys really think that they could get away with something like that. Gee I\’M surprised that the makers of Phen Fen dont move to have the whole thing overturned. On the ground that the monetary desicion was coming from the judge who was sitting on the board of the non profit where some of the money went to and then getting paid to do that. Hmm think he thought about that before or after the trial. Im sure there are some good lawyers out there that can do it.

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:15 am
    Linda says:
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    Rosie, Rosie, Rosie you sure are not afraid to put your wierd self out there. Love the posts. They really gave me a laugh.

    I don\’t think the case should be overturned but I do think those greedy lawyers should have to pay back the fees and pay out their asses in fines.

  • April 9, 2007 at 5:25 am
    Not Surprised says:
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    Now who is really surprised that the trial lawyers ripped off the plaintiffs? Good to see old Stan is still out there swilling off of his clients. If you think this one was absurd go out and research the tobacco settlement. The money Stan and his buddies made on that one is really obscene.

  • May 7, 2007 at 5:31 am
    ClaraCourtney says:
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    I Filed suit HAVE NEVER RECIVED NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

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