New Firm, Claimetrics, Promises New Age in Claims Management

April 30, 2007

  • August 15, 2007 at 8:57 am
    Paul Johnston says:
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    New firm, maybe for names sake, still the same bad company. The ‘New Firm’ promises ‘New Age Claims Management’. I am living their promises.
    I was hurt in November ’06. Still don’t remember what happened to me. The accident happened while I was working for Express Personnel at one of their customers. At the time, I was 31, weighed about 280 lbs.(muscle) at 6’1″, and was in training to pass the Sherriff’s exam. At the time of the accident I was heaving some steel doors into a large steel bin. Some how I slipped and fell landing first on the back of my head, then hand and back. From what my co worker told me. I got up after some time and tried going back to work. My co workers said I went back to my station and started preparing for the beginning of my shift. However, my shift was over. Hence, the throwing of the trashed steel doors. My co workers said I was out of it and not making any sense so they had the supervisor look at me. He had them take me to the E.R.. They did a work up and released me the next day. Diagnosis was a concussion and lower back, elbow and right hand damage. Still don’t remember much of this. I returned to Express Personnel the following day. They had me see their (insurance) doctors which in time have diagnosed me with needing a surgery to fix my middle and ring finger on my right hand along with post concussive syndrome (which explains why I am unable to sleep for days at a time, and have nightmares and depression). I was on great phone terms with Hallmark Management(Claimetrics) until they found out I needed a hand surgery. I must have called them at least 15 times in a 5 day period. Guess what, no return phone call. The insurance company doctor which gets paid by Hallmark Management(Claimetrics) suggested I get a lawyer. I obtained one and my surgery was eventually done. I still have real bad vertigo but I had to keep working 2 light duty jobs just to survive. I Have 3 boys plus my lady and myself to take care of. I have no options. I work, that’s all I know. Then one day I was walking from my back yard to the kitchen to get something to drink and I blacked out for no reason. I fell injuring my left knee. Right then, I knew something was wrong with me. Not just the concussion. I did a follow up with the hand specialist 3 days later and he saw me limping and asked what happened. He had me go back to the E.R. to get a cat scan. Came back normal. I went back to the insurance company primary doctor who in turn had me go to a Neurologist. After a work up, I was diagnosed with broken Vestibules(Which causes my vertigo and nausea) and Post Concussive Syndrome. The Neurologist has taken me off work status for my vestibules and for depression (not sure why I am so depressed. Other than being broken and having to borrow from family and freinds so we can survive and not able to work). What is Workman’s Compensation for again?
    This “New Firm, Claimetrics”, has totally ignored their own doctors advice and have even hired(Payed) more doctors to contradict what their original doctors found wrong with me. I never chose any of these doctors. I have been provided with great care with no regards to Hallmark Management(Claimetrics)from the original doctors.
    Did I mention, if this ‘New Firm, Claimetrics’ does not hear what they want from their own lawyers, they fire them. I just had a second Deposition earlier this week with a second set of lawyers. These new lawyers say the same thing as the last set of lawyers.
    Guessing ‘Claimetrics’ didn’t hear what they wanted to hear and have closed my case on the grounds of what a hired(Paid)Psychologist had to say. Wonder how a Psychologist can over rule the findings of a Board Certified Neurologist.
    Claimetrics has not helped me with workman’s compensation for the last 2 months. They stopped my compensation 1 1/2 months prior to closing my case on unjust, unfounded grounds. My family and I truly are struggling to get by. Claimetrics own lawyers, my lawyers and doctors have told them to compensate me so we can survive until I get better and they are refusing.
    Wondering if it could be the fact that the Cheif Financial Officer of Claimetrics is also the Executive Vice President of Express Services which happens to own Express Personnel Services where I was working when I was injured. It could also be the fact that The Regional Vice President for Claimetrics happened to work for Express Services, Inc. as it’s Director of Claims for Workers’ Compensation and Liability.
    Claimetrics, Promises New Age In Claims Management, if this includes hiring and firing of their own lawyers when their lawyer(s) know the law of the individual state and advises Hallmark Management(Claimetrics) accordingly, hiring and having their own doctors contradicted by more hired(paid) doctors to get the opinions they want, and waiting for their clients to get independently sued for bodily damages occurring on the job so they are no longer liable, then this is definately A New Age In Claims Management!!
    This is my opinion and am sure it is the same opinions of others who have dealt with Hallmark Management (Claimetrics). In my opinion, you should not work for or hire this company to handle any of your Workman’s Compensation Claims!! It is ridiculous how many BAD FAITH CLAIMS that have been filed against Hallmark Management(Claimetrics)!! I will keep you all posted.

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