Moore Film’s 9/11 Workers Denied Insurance, Sought Care in Cuba

By | June 26, 2007

  • June 26, 2007 at 7:55 am
    Cindy Shehan's revenge says:
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    I am going to vote for Hillary in 2008 to teach weak minded Libs a lesson once and for all. I miss all of the jokes about Bill and Monica on late night TV. Don’t you? Speaking of jokes did you see the spoof of Hillary’s stupid commercial where she and Bill are sitting in the diner talking about her theme song. In the spoof Bill turns around and smiles at Monica who asks if he wants a cigar. You’ll love it.

  • June 26, 2007 at 12:20 pm
    Val the Drunk Russian says:
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    Michael Moore is bad for America. He has two voting registration cards for two different addresses. Michael Moore gets to vote twice. So why can’t the rest of us? Get it now?

  • June 26, 2007 at 12:21 pm
    Cliff Curlee says:
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    Forst of all, I loathe Michael Moore, he is a sub-human glory hound.

    But even Hitler liked dogs, and in this specific instance, Moore is right. America did let these heroes down.

    If they need to be treated for example, by Stalin and Lenin, any embargoes we have should be waived

  • June 26, 2007 at 12:54 pm
    Humphhhhh says:
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    All three workers said they were denied treatment for various conditions by U.S. insurance companies that refused to pay for coverage. Each received treatment in Cuba.

    What would you do under these circumstances, just stay in the US and die?

  • June 26, 2007 at 12:58 pm
    Scott says:
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    No, but if they feel Cuba is the best place for them then they can stay in Cuba. Obviously this was a publicity stunt. Do you really think that no one in America would treat a hero? For shame.

  • June 26, 2007 at 12:59 pm
    Baloney says:
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    Sure….Moore went to the trouble to take these folks to Cuba for them…and thier health. Get real. He is doing this for his movie and to create headlines against the Bush administration.

    Did he take his private plane ? If he was concerned about them and their health, he could have helped get them treatment in this country.

    As far as Cuban health care – let take poll on that in Miami !!

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:03 am
    Why believe anything they say? says:
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    They complain about politically motivated investigations as a result of their politically motivated trip to Cuba??

    Why not go to Canada, Europe, or India?

    Who here has examined their US medical records to say whether or not they received adequate treatment?

    Michael Moore is a liar, whose only goal is to make $$$$$. He hijacked the GM labor issue and suddenly became some kind of Robin Hood that found a way to cash in on other peoples problems.

    Much like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, except Sharpton had the abmition to create his own issue to cash in on.

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:06 am
    HawaiiDuke888 says:
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    IJ needs to get real, who do they think their magazine is catering to? Hollywood? Aparently the editors are of the left wing variety who admire people like Micheal Moore.

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:08 am
    I M Staying says:
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    USA is not a “bad country.” We just have some very shameful policies when it comes to health care. People who care about others try to make things better for those less fortunate. That is part of the American Spirit.

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:11 am
    HawaiiDuke888 says:
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    Exactly what is “shamefull” about America’s health care? All the county hospitals that provide free healthcare? The rule requiring all ER rooms to take in any patient regardless of insurance? The number of Canadians wanting to come into our country for healthcare?

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:11 am
    Texas Agent says:
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    In Texas we have free health care for all illegal aliens. Being that they are from New York they would fit that label.

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:15 am
    Baloney says:
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    Shameful health care policies ? Please explain.

    I work. I pay for my health care. I don’t smoke, overeat to obesity, drink and drive. I don’t expect the government to take care of me. I want our borders closed so we don’t support people in this country illegally.

    I think the question is more about health care cost and health insurance cost. Why is the cost so high ? Think about that. It is not governments fault, certainly not Pres Bush’s fault (He has spent more than Clinton. Check it out). Ask yourself why health care cost is so high. The answer is in there.

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:32 am
    GIVE ME A BREAK says:
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    You have got to be kidding me. These American heroes put their lives on the line to try to save innocent lives on 9/11. For anyone to insinuate that they don’t deserve the very best medical attention is a traitor to this country. I guess it’s the big businesses and those that have never put their lives on the line for anyone that have the biggest mouths. Put up or shut up. Let’s see you pull dead American bodies out of the ground and the only thing you ask for his decent health care and be denied. For illegal immigrants to get all of the benefits while hard working Americans have to fight for every dime they get, is a crime. When we are all in the bread lines and the illegal’s are running this country, let’s see how smart you all are then.

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:37 am
    Anonymous says:
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    what is this stuff? first of all, the article even notes the 3 who sought treatment haven’t received notice from the government…”but they may soon”…is this newsworthy?

    How were they denied insurance? The article says they needed ‘treatment’, now it doesn’t explicity explain what is considered treatment, but what a shock that Cuba would have their doc’s waiting to receive our folks with open arms: can you say ‘propaganda opportunity’?

    Yes, we have issues here, spriraling costs of care is probably the biggest. We also have millions who are uninsured because they don’t want to pay for coverage. ER’s are required to treat if you show at their door; ever been to an inner city ER? It can look like a scene from Hill Street Blues; most are just looking for simple checkouts or treatments for cold/flu.

    I would like to see some independent documentation noting what the diagnosis of the 3 people are, what are the treatment options, and what treatments have they received and what is denied. Don’t look for that unbiased info from Michael Moore. It’s one thing to not like your president, congressman, or whatever, it’s a free country, but do people know what they’re supporting in Michael Moore? He goes to Europe and talks about how stupid Americans are, then many Americans try to prove him right by lining up to buy his movies, and give him awards for insulting us with propaganda.

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:42 am
    Rabid Left Winger says:
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    Damn it quit laughing! I think if it came out soon enough we could get good old Hillary & Obama (America’s Drea Ticket 2008) elected.

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:46 am
    Rolf Neu says:
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    Michael Moore is only shining a spotlight on what is truly an American disgrace.

    Yes the cost of healthcare is too high (in large part because of insurers and health care providers and of course pharmaceutical companies); yes a lot of Americans have contributed to their own poor health; yes there is fraud and waste in the system (AMA could do a lot to remove bad or crooked doctors), but bottom line it is absolutely disgraceful that we have more than 46 million people without health insurance and even more who have only sporadic health care coverage or inferior health coverage.

    I think everyone should pay/contribute upto a minimum of 5% of their annual gross income toward their own/family health care expense. We then need to find a way to fund the excess cost through a private/public partnership or the goverment alone if the parties currently benefiting very handsomely don’t come to the table to solve the problem.

    To really move forward on this whole issue, we also need to focus on the concept of ‘universal’ health care’ and stop inciting the issue with labels such as ‘socialized’ medicine. The cost of not finding a solution will weigh very heavy on our capitalisitc-for profit free enterprise system.

    The bottom line is that not to have a system where everyone has access to basic level of healthcare (with focus on preventive care) is both disgraceful and more than ‘penny wise and pound foolish’.

    Let’s not blame Michael Moore, Cuba or anyone else for the disgraceful system we now have.

  • June 26, 2007 at 1:57 am
    Compman says:
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    Please make your next dr’s appointment in Canada. You better make it now if you want to get in before 2010. Sorry, but your talking points are only that. So, I should give 5% of my gross for healthcare, but then, if it runs short, the gov’t should pick up the rest. Who the hell do you think funds the government? We do, So, soon my 5% will be 15% and we will have crappy healthcare for all and it will be wrought with fraud and overcharges. Look what a mess Medicaid is in. I say that if 46 million don’t have coverage is a bloated number. 12 million are illegal aliens, 10 million use the emergency rooms now so they have coverage and another 20 million or so just won’t spend the money for healthcare on purpose. They would rather have a boat or new car.

  • June 26, 2007 at 2:18 am
    Dawn says:
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    5% would be a blessing. I pay 15% of my gross to health ins. What really makes me angry is when I go to the ER for a true emergency and I have to wait behind 65 illegals who are there because they have colds and will never pay a penny of their care. So my insurance company has to pay for my care AND their care.
    Don’t get me started on how much phar. companies are making.
    Unless you are rich, unemployed with a bunch of kids, or illegal, health insurance is quickly becoming a luxury that a lot of people will not be able to afford. Even if you can afford the insurance, the cost of the copays is another mortgage by itself.
    Even with the best health insurance plan, 99.9% of the working class is one serious illness away from losing everything. And with the re-emergence of TB, Hepatitus, Menengitis, etc, even living ‘healthy’ (as a number of people claim to on this board) doesn’t mean you’re going to stay healthy. Next time you in line at the grocery store and someone sneezes behind you, YOU could be the one with $500,000 in medical bill AFTER insurance this time next year.
    I’ve been called all kinds of names on this board for having the opinion that it’s time for a national program. When 40M people don’t have insurance and working class people are paying 10%-25% of their gross income for insurance, something has to change.

  • June 26, 2007 at 2:21 am
    Is that Rolf or Rosie? says:
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    Would everyone, step back, take a deep breath and remember why and how our country was founded.

    A place with equal OPPORTUNITY for all. Not a guarantee of equal results for all.

    Our Government has no justifiable reason to provide health care for everyone. It might make some people FEEL good, but it is not within the scope of Governmental responsibility.

    As pointed out earlier, we already have that to a large degree through emergency rooms.

    Less Government intervention is usually better than more, and judging from Social Security, Medicare, Public Education, etc…I think that is the case for Universal Healthcare.

  • June 26, 2007 at 2:24 am
    Rabid Left Winger says:
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    You must live in an anti illegal alien state if you only have to wait behind 65 illegals at the hospital. Send all of your illegals to Texas. We have hundreds and hundreds in line waiting for weekly checkups, anchor baby drop off, shots so they can attend public schools less illegally. In Texas we leave the light on for illegal aliens just like Motel 6 says. We even try to make sure we have stairs with hand rails for them to get over fences so they don’t get hurt. If we were a little more compasionate we could install escalators and air conditioned rest stops in the desert with bottled spring water.

  • June 26, 2007 at 2:25 am
    KLS says:
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    The freebie system in the US is a major pain in my butt. Pisses me off that I work 75 hours a week and pay my taxes so some lazy welfare junkie can get free food and medical treatment.

    I’m not talking about the people who use government assistance out of necessity. I’m talking about those who have figured out how to abuse the system. Sadly, one of my coworkers does exactly that and has the audacity to brag about it.

    But… how do we fix it? Is the current system even fix-able? Is there a way to scrap the whole thing and start over? Or are there simply so many crooks and liars involved in government that we would never be able to get the job done right?

    I don’t really have an opinion about Michael Moore or his films… Other than I believe them to be of an editorial nature, not educational.

    But at least the movie provokes thought.

    There are other countries in much worse shape than we are, but that doesn’t excuse us from making improvements to our present situation.

    My big question is… what do we do and where do we start?

  • June 26, 2007 at 2:27 am
    Dawn says:
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    The problem is that the Gov’t IS providing healthcare to millions at our expense.
    So you’re okay with your rates going through the roof so welfare cases can get the best doctors, the best treatment, while you ‘manage’ with what you’re overly priced plan will provide?
    THAT is why I feel the Gov’t should do something.
    What about after you retire? You gonna be okay with YOUR meds costing $500 a month while people who never worked a day in their lives get them for free?
    Glad you’re so ‘giving’. Sorry, I’m not.

  • June 26, 2007 at 2:34 am
    Change yes, but... says:
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    Why is the answer having Government take over of one of the biggest industries in the Country, if not the world?

    I don’t understand the mentality of people that need the Government to make their lives satisfactory.

  • June 26, 2007 at 2:49 am
    Get real says:
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    are you serious … are any of you living in the same country with me? OUr healtcare sucks! the insurance industry which was based on risk has now become a business. They hire high school graduates with no medical experience as claims adjusters and deny claims for little or no reason. our private health ins is no better … I pay along with my employer very high premuims, and when I see the doctor, I am stuck with a high deductiable, co-pays and having to pay the difference from what the carrier paid and the balance. One incident can bankrupt anyone! Get a life all of you – Michael Moore is more American than anyone on this blog!

  • June 26, 2007 at 2:59 am
    Baloney says:
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    So….what do you suggest? Put Micheal Moore in charge of our healthcare system. Ypou should take a closer look into his background. He is not trying to help anyone. He is getting rich.

  • June 26, 2007 at 3:01 am
    Smitty says:
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    just dont try & sue a Cuban doctor in Cuba.

    I love it when commies tout Socialized medicine but not the commie tort system and they never mention doctor pay in commie Cuba.

  • June 26, 2007 at 3:07 am
    Smitty says:
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    Baloney, everybody in Mahhattan ate polluted air-along with everybody in Texas and LA CA.

    Everybody & their mother with poor health wants freebies, the air pollution at ground zero is no worse than in any industrial area in any city in America, ya it was bad but for only one day.

    If the unions weren’t so insistent on having thousands of workers standing around not working their exposure wouldn’t have occurred, even folks who weren’t authorized went & hung out.

    These weren’t first responders they were parasites looking to latch on & leech off the disaster.

  • June 26, 2007 at 3:10 am
    MooreGarbageashish says:
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    Shame on Ins. Journal for giving Michael Moore another microphone! This ranks up there in the level of importance with news on Paris Hilton.

  • June 26, 2007 at 3:12 am
    Baloney says:
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    I agree with you.

  • June 26, 2007 at 3:18 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    We already are paying for “free” healthcare. I guess the examples of the Illegals lined up at the ER is the best example. Who does everyone think is paying for that? We are. And until there is some sort of reform, it’s going to get much worse.

  • June 26, 2007 at 3:29 am
    bill schneider says:
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    to the walker. So you bathe in vinegar and water. Cheapskate! Such hatred must be bliss for you.

  • June 26, 2007 at 4:01 am
    I might leave... says:
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    I am amazed at the comments here.

    – American health care is great
    – Health coverage is available to everybody
    – All county hospitals provide necessary care without caring what insurance one has
    – all illegal immigrants get free health care
    First of all, some of the best doctors in the world are here. However, you need approval from your insurance company before they will treat you. Please! Near death, and your insurance company may find it medically necessary for you to see a specialist…

    Over 39 million people (as of 2002) are without health coverage in this country. Not because they “don’t want to pay for it”, but mostly because they don’t have access to it. Either because they simply cannot afford the insurance cost, their employer do not offer insurance benefits, or they do not have a job (we do also have unemployment).

    The care you will receive at an ER if you do not have insurance, is minimal. If you believe any different, you are naive!

    An illegal immigrant will be responsible for his/her medical treatment at the same level as a tourist would be. Whether the fees are collected or not, is up to the hospital/medical provider.

    And of course Michael Moore went to Cuba to provoke Americans – and how easy it is! Just consider this: one of the three already had a debt for medical treatment in the US for $17.000. Why not go to Canada or Europe? The cost, of course! Even American health providers are referring patients to Asia and other, “cheaper” parts of the world for more reasonable care, when not covered by insurance here. How much easier wouldn’t it be if they could travel 90 miles south of the border to receive adequate care?

  • June 26, 2007 at 4:04 am
    bill schneider says:
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  • June 26, 2007 at 4:16 am
    chad balaamaba says:
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    looks like I should make lots of sales from this website…you can use all that money you save from travelling to Cuba and buy my land!

  • June 26, 2007 at 4:53 am
    Vlad says:
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    It seems the author and the movie producer would like to only present a portion of the facts. I want to know more about the story.
    1) All three had different symptoms, yet their affliction was caused by one common event, ie the dust at Ground Zero?
    2) Who is their insurance company? What were the specific reasons giiven for denial by each insurance company?
    3) What treatment did they receive in Cuba? Was it successful?
    4) They saw nine specialists? How many of those specialists see people other than Communist Party members?
    5) Why did Castro bring in doctors from Spain?
    6) Why can some people smoke for 40 years and not get cancer, yet these people have these terrible conditions from 3 or 4 days?

    I have others, but I think you get my drift.

  • June 26, 2007 at 5:10 am
    Are you a dumb Liberal? says:
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    Any of you that give a damn or believe anything Michael Moore says need your heads examined and any state issued licenses revoked.

  • June 26, 2007 at 5:55 am
    bill schneider says:
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    You, snake, speak with forked-tongue! “Plight”, you don’t know the meaning of it; much less lived real plight. The lack of food and hunger will make beggars out of anyone who has a pulse. Yours is a “hung-over” out of arrogance. It is obvious that you never experienced work like a “wet-back” and speak out of your r/end.

  • June 26, 2007 at 6:21 am
    Are you a dumb Liberal? says:
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    I’m sorry I did not mean to offend you. Sometimes I forget how sensitive the lefty crazy folks are inside. It was just an idea for another worthless documentary. Have a nice day, Bill. Don’t worry so much the government is here to help you. Let’s pay for another serving.

  • June 26, 2007 at 6:34 am
    bill schneider says:
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    I usually try not to engage with imbeciles, lunatics, or conservatives with plugged up rear ends; but, sometimes I just can’t help myself with certain vermints. Nonetheless, you and the current gov’t can kiss my a$$. You’re probalby one of the first at the gov’s trough. I cannot help your misfortune; afterall, my taxes apply to you too. You’d not make a pimple on Michael Moore’s butt. Hi-yo Silver awaaay.

  • June 27, 2007 at 8:21 am
    Time for a new brain? says:
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    Libs what do you say? Is he right up there with Hillary, Obama, Edwards, Gore, Kerry?

  • June 27, 2007 at 8:50 am
    Insurance Poor says:
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    In addition to neglected patients, Moore heard from hundreds of people within the industry blowing the whistle, like Dr. Linda Peeno. She testified before Congress: “I denied a man a necessary operation that would have saved his life and thus caused his death. No person and no group has held me accountable for this. Because, in fact, what I did was I saved a company a half a million dollars with this.”

    Even Fox News likes this film.

  • June 27, 2007 at 11:06 am
    Rob says:
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    This comment thread is the latest example of the craziness that occures when IJ editors choose not to moderate the ugly and mean-spirited comments.

    All it takes a part-time intern to delete the comments which have nothing to do with the article. It’s pretty simple and it would save our eyes from the right-wing garbage…and IJ their reputation for a quality insurance news organization.

    When will the publisher/editors catch on?

  • June 27, 2007 at 11:09 am
    bill schneider says:
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    47 million without health insurance. Just like the “plight” of the homeless that live underneath freeways, on city sidewalks, off the dolings of Church people, it is a national scandal. I’d rather have my taxes help these 47 million human beings than sending my tax money to finance jingoistic wars that only wet the conservative-cockroaches appetite for that black-Iraqi-juice.

  • June 27, 2007 at 11:13 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    I have no doubt that an American insurer denied treatment. American health care is about money….not health care….too bad that this had to get publicity but YES I believe that these people were denied treatment and too bad that Michael Moore, to the chagrin of all you who loathe him, got to this before other news outlets did….you get the publicity you need from whoever provides it! Shame on us…..

  • June 27, 2007 at 11:17 am
    bill schneider says:
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    We are a Country-Divided. Lincoln said, “Together we stand, Divided we fall”. When the issues can not be debated in a productive way, personalities clash as if that is the only way to settle differences. It’s dirty politics. Brings out the worst in everyone, because we think we are all correct in our views and its gladiator time when responses are posted. Thus we resort to name-calling. It sucks, doesn’t it.

  • June 27, 2007 at 11:22 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    Rolf, my sentiments exactly. I know too many people who just don’t make enough money to afford health care and to make it worse, their employers do not have a plan, even if they wanted to contribute….it amazes me that so many who post in IJ are ignorant of the simple fact of working poor….my parents didn’t have any coverage and I never had coverage until I finished school and got a job…and my folks didn’t pay for any of my schooling either; they just didn’t make enough money to buy much of anything…never owned a home, or a new car or health care coverage…those were for the well-to-do. I don’t care which side of the aisle does it, but we need univeral health care….what is wrong with being your brother’s keeper, Cain?

  • June 27, 2007 at 11:24 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    and why should American’s ever have to go to Canada to buy prescription drugs, just because they want to save money… why should the government allow drug companies to have a strangle hold over prices, acting like monopolies? take a look at the campaign contributors…..

  • June 27, 2007 at 11:34 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Did you see Mike Moore on Leno last night. He explained the basis for “Sicko”. Not anything like what the conservative bloggers suggest on this thread. But, the real news is that Hillary is 2nd on Pharma’s contribution list! Isn’t that something? As far as lobbyists go, they do not fund anything that they do not control. Looks like Obama will start to lead.

  • June 27, 2007 at 12:07 pm
    Dawn says:
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    I have found the insults usually come from those who can’t find a logical point to argue.
    I’ve been called all kinds of names on these boards.
    I just figure such is life.

  • June 27, 2007 at 12:29 pm
    Little Frog says:
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    OK geniuses; explain this to me. Most countries do not have similar travel embargoes to Cuba. So if the quality of the medical treatment and life in general is so wonderful in Cuba, why isn’t it the Mayo Clinic of the Western Hemisphere? Why do Canadians and Europeans stop just 90 miles short of what Mikey Moore is showcasing?? Why do Hatians and others risk their life sailing over 1,000, miles past Cuba, to come here???
    If you could stop reading Das Kapital and Mao’s Little Red Book long enough to read the Magna Carta, OUR Declaration of Independance, George Washington’s Farewell Address, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and maybe talk to some of those who escaped the preditory governments of Cuba, the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, etc., you would see that any appearance of sucess and well being is smoke & mirrors intended to maintain the power, prestige, and material wealth of the Oligarchy and its cronies.
    Those problems we face here, are eminently more correctable than any “solutions” you see there.

  • June 27, 2007 at 12:42 pm
    bill schneidera says:
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    You are barking up the wrong tree. The reason The Great American Mike Moore went to Cuba, was because the folks needing the med-care could not get it @ Gitmo. The so-called war-prisoners @ Guantanamo received better care than the folks affected by 911 dust here in America. He did this out of Good Ol’American protest. His right as an American Citizen!!!! Since one of the persons needing treatment was Cuban-American, spoke Spanish, they said (while not in their original plan), “Let’s see if Cuba will treat you”. So they journeyed over there. You are just plain reactionary. Put a saddle on the horse before you start riding it.

  • June 27, 2007 at 1:20 am
    Concerned Citizen says:
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    I just don’t believe Mike Moore has any concern for those folks in the movie other than for the benefit of selling his movie. After looking around I can’t find any other humanitarian efforts by “the great” Mike Moore. And, frankly, I don’t believe they couldn’t get treated in this country. Money has been pouring out for victims of 9/11.

    I think Moore’s only purpose is propaganda and he is a traitor.

  • June 27, 2007 at 1:56 am
    Two sides to a coin says:
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    Michael Moore’s version


  • June 27, 2007 at 2:39 am
    Take Back America 2008 says:
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    Per the Cons, 45 years ago before Castro and most of the Cons were born Cuba supposedly was going to nuke the U.S.A. with their friend Russia. There is absoulutely no proof this was ever really going to happen. Just another made up story like the holocaust, moon landing, etc. You Cons need to give Castro and Cuba a chance to treat sick Americans who wish to travel there for whatever reason. Once you admit that Castro is not the problem and Bush is this will be a better world with more peace and happiness for all to enjoy.

  • June 27, 2007 at 2:51 am
    steve says:
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    Your retort is stupid and just because someone likes MM doesn’t mean they want him running healthcare. I didn’t see Get Real mention that or evein imply that. Does being stupid happen naturally for you or do you have to work at it?

  • June 27, 2007 at 2:57 am
    Centrist says:
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    Censorship is un-American but I agree with Rob. Can someone please take Rob’s stupid post off of this thread/site. Thanks.

  • June 27, 2007 at 3:02 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Wow “Rabid Left Winger” could you get anymore racist and sexist with your comments. For shame….

  • June 27, 2007 at 3:07 am
    Concerned says:
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    No, he did not say or imply that…but he did say MM was a “great amercian” moreso than others wasting time in this email chain. I think MM a propaganist doing so for money.

  • June 27, 2007 at 3:09 am
    bill schneider says:
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    You’re one of the believers that fall in the category of “me first”. For you there’s no action on any one’s part unless there’s “payola” attached. Funny how quick you are quick to shoot from the hip as to who’s a traitor. Pretty much McCarthyism is your realm. Now, back to ranch about Health care………..

  • June 27, 2007 at 3:12 am
    Ben says:
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    We were just wondering what they said that was racist or sexist? We read the 2 posts and saw nothing about any race or sex. Your post follows.

    Posted On: June 27, 2007, 3:02 pm CDT
    Posted By: Mary B.
    Wow “Rabid Left Winger” could you get anymore racist and sexist with your comments. For shame….

  • June 27, 2007 at 3:45 am
    Old Texas Redneck Male says:
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    Look I think it is a good thing that this lardass made this movie. He helped the Republicans get elected with his last movie and this one will scare anybody with a brain left from voting for Hillary and Bill again. On the wetback issue what’s the problem there? My old school dictionary does not indicate a problem with the race card on the wetback name so STH up.

    According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first recorded use of the word was in 1929 when Foreign Affairs used it to refer to a peon that walks or swims across and is welcomed by countrymen as a ‘wetback’. Thank you kindly.

  • June 27, 2007 at 3:49 am
    Likes Kids says:
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    The number of uninsured children dropped from about 10 million in 1997 to an estimated 6.8 million in 2006.

    Some people seem to actually hate Michael Moore, which I find kind of a waste of energy but come on… – uninsured kids of the working poor – uninsured working poor – parents working low paying jobs to get a leg up in the world and losing or not qualifying for assistance with their medical because they start to make “too much money” just not right, just not kind, working American families with no affordable access to medical care.

  • June 27, 2007 at 5:07 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Yes, of course. And a hell of a boon to the Texas economy: peons at the cotton fields, peons at ranching, peons as housekeepers, peons as roofers, peons as garbage collectors. One helluva deal for the so-called landed gentry. These peons, however could not eat at Sarge’s restaurnnt. Neither could a Medal of Honor winner in Richardson Texas. Their masters of course were conservative democrats turned conservative-coackroach republicans. Give enough time for the term to be coined into the Oxford or Webster Dictionary. So stf up.

  • June 27, 2007 at 5:09 am
    bill schneider says:
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    To likes kids: Thank you kindly.

  • June 28, 2007 at 5:16 am
    Libby says:
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    Libs don’t need a new God. Faithful libs’ God loves all people and creatures, cares for the poor and they try to honor the Creator by showing compassion and caring about the less fortunate.

  • June 27, 2007 at 5:24 am
    Old Texas Redneck Male says:
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    Bill, You forgot that many good wetbacks are quite good with concrete and road building too. Texas wouldn’t have a lot of the roads and buildings today if it weren’t for rednecks and wetbacks.
    God Bless You and the Horse You Rode In On. Nothing wrong with wets as long as they sign up with the crossing guard on their way in. We both agree. Thanks Again Bill

  • June 27, 2007 at 5:38 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Yep. And I know plenty “Tejanos” who refer to plenty of Rednecks as “mudbacks” after crossing the Mighty Mississip and various rivers in between to get to Texas. That’s another word, that with enough time and usage, will wind up in the dictionaries for all school kids to learn. Good luck to you too.

  • June 27, 2007 at 5:58 am
    Incorribible says:
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    – and shook it really hard, would a person who actually makes some effing sense fall out?

    -ha ha ha-

  • June 27, 2007 at 6:34 am
    O Dear says:
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    YOu call that brave American a parasite?
    I thank this person for his bravery and compassion.

  • June 27, 2007 at 6:37 am
    I Like Mike says:
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    Isn’t it pretty personal thing sometime, where you donate?

    One humanitarian effort by Moore – putting together a great movie depicting real people telling sorrowful stories about our health care system.

    Would he do this film if he did not care about
    our fellow countrymen and women, suffering because of inadequate health care. Heros even? Ever hear about soldiers returning to civilian life and the kind of health care they receive????

  • June 28, 2007 at 11:11 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    I couldn’t help but post this: don’t bet on it. If we keep going the way we are in the world, we’ll have no friends, except the Chinese who keep buying our T bills to fund the trade gap….wonder why the right is so happy about business as usual like this? And having mexican labor because it’s cheap? As long as they don’t want health care, they are our friends. And don’t forget Dubya is an oilman, the price of gas or the state of the economy don’t mean sh*T to him…..too bad the right can’t buy votes; they may have scared everyone in the last election but remember, it was never a mandate; Bush never got the political capital that he said he had and can’t even get his party to back him immigration “reform”….is amnesty supposed to be only a liberal idea? Then why is Bush pushing it? VOTES, my friends, pure and simple. the issues be damned, say anything, do anything, just GET ELECTED! Well that ain’t gonna wash this time, unless the republicans start backing away fro Dubya and company and start courting the balance of the American electorate. They’ll do anything to stay in Washington…and the name calling goes on and on…don’t worry about the issues when you can destroy someone by insinuation instead….AMERICA! WHAT A COUNTRY!

  • June 28, 2007 at 11:24 am
    A guy who has work to do says:
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    Bill Schneider has way too much time on his hands. Like other Libs, much not be working much. The rest of us paying the bills.

    Don’t bother responding. I am not reading thes anymore. I have work to do. And….too much crap on here and little of it makes sense.

  • June 28, 2007 at 11:25 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Probably Will Rodgers, Arlo Guthrie, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Pearl Buck, Bill Gates….. But he sure beats the heck out any conservative-cockroach republican, that’s for sure!

  • June 28, 2007 at 11:48 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Way to go! YES!

  • June 28, 2007 at 11:52 am
    bill schneider says:
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    We are all working stiffs with not enough time or energy to respond to the way we are governed. And that’s led you conservative-cockroach republicans have had all the hate-monger-pundits ride herd over us. No more.

  • June 28, 2007 at 12:57 pm
    Rob says:
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    Seriously, do any IJ employees see what is occuring here?

    This is a pathetic example of what happens when business like IJ try to be web-saavy, and only learn the hard way that having a comment area requires moderation and oversight.


  • June 28, 2007 at 1:20 am
    Very Concerned says:
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    Unbelievable. Another liberal wanting “oversight” by a “governing body”.

    If you don’t like it….don’t read it.

  • June 28, 2007 at 1:52 am
    Very Concerned says:
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    Your’re right. I don’t know why I bother.

    Liberals are the first to fight censorship,EXCEPT when they disagree with another point of view.

  • June 28, 2007 at 6:21 am
    George Jr. says:
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    The defeat of Senator Harry Reed’s immigration bill is win for all American citizens and all legal immigrants including future legal immigrants. Looks like the Democrats who came up with this were as stupid as they sounded and so were the Republicans including the President who supported it. No one benefits from making 12 to 20 million lawbreakers suddenly legal. It is so easy to bring in legal workers from other countries why should we put up with all of the problems doing it illegally has caused. Bush, Kennedy,Reed, Pelozi all need to wake up and act as our representatives instead of like we are all idiots with no voice or concern. Let’s hope this country takes some of the savings from not offering all of these illegals a free ride and spends it on the heros of 911 and on the heros we call our military, police, teachers, firefighters.
    God Bless America

  • June 29, 2007 at 9:43 am
    Reggie Cervantes says:
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    I wanted to clear up some myths you stated.
    As a non insured American, I am the female rescue worker taken to Cuba by Michael Moore in the Documentary Sicko, I can state my facts of which you clearly dont care.

    – Health coverage is available to everybody
    Some very crucial health care is only available to those with insurance or hard cash to pay. I am an example. I am now in need of an Echo Doppler, CT Scan and liver ultrasound, removal and biopsy of vocal cord lumps, kidney biopsy and a few other things.
    – All county hospitals provide necessary care without caring what insurance one has
    My hospitals in OKC will NOT admit me to do these elective tests which will save my life if I have cancer.

    And of course Michael Moore went to Cuba to provoke Americans – and how easy it is! Just consider this: one of the three already had a debt for medical treatment in the US for $17.000. Why not go to Canada or Europe? The cost, of course!
    The simple answer is I am in debt by 17,000 in collection because I didnt have the money. I still dont have the money and callous, ignorant people like you think we are just greedy! How do I feed my children if I am spending what little money I have on medications? I choose between utilities, and medications.

    Let us see you tell your children you cant afford to buy them a pair of shoes (at a thrift store) because you need medications.
    You are cruel, heartless, insensitive and obviously work for an insurance company!
    Reggie Cervantes
    Sicko who went to Cuba
    WTC Survivor Rescue Worker

  • June 29, 2007 at 11:32 am
    Bill's friend says:
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    We love reading all of your posts.

  • June 29, 2007 at 12:40 pm
    Don't forget says:
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    and a Parapalegic with a ruptured colostomy bag on Skid Row in LA.

    That’s some mighty fine health care!

  • June 29, 2007 at 12:52 pm
    Deb says:
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    Hi, thanks for your post and for your heroic rescue efforts.

    I am sorry for the hell you are being put through. I am sure most people in the insurance business have compassion for your and the others who are suffering.

    I hope this movie brings a lot of much needed attention to the terrible disgrace which is our health care system. I am sorry you ended up in the spotlight in this way.

  • June 29, 2007 at 2:02 am
    bill schneider says:
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    God Bless You, Reggie! You’ve described perfectly the “plight” of millions of AMERICANS JUST LIKE YOU. As a Divided Country there are a bunch of insensitive louts out there. Maybe a national fund can be established to help you. It is my understanding that the conditions from which you are suffering were contracted as a 911 VOLUNTEER. Again someone like you should be praised and not maligned by the hyenas who gang up around you just to shred you to pieces. That’s their patented MO.

  • June 29, 2007 at 2:11 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Glad to read your comment. Thank God for America. I despise those hypocrites who wrap themselves around our flag. “Rojo, Blanco, and Azul”. Just like Pres Reagan described the Mexican-American soldier who when taken prisoner by the Iranians responded when asked for his name and dog tag number. Now you’ve read the comments -by some damn fools that would call him a WETBACK! Some Mexicans have been in the Southwestern United States longer than those starved Mad Dog English who arrived in the Mayflower. Unbelievable.

  • June 29, 2007 at 2:14 am
    bill schneider says:
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    How ’bout our VETS who also live under the freeways?

  • June 29, 2007 at 2:27 am
    Republican Male says:
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    After reading the comments from the lefties here is how I feel.

    I am so sorry that Republicans cause every problem on the Earth today, health care crisis, war, crime, drugs, d.u.i, AIDS, teen pregnacy, abortion, poor church attendance, flooding, Katrina, blow up levees, etc.

    The reason I feel terrible is the left has not got a clue or a plan only a *****.

  • June 29, 2007 at 2:48 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Maybe if Republicans could emulate the behavior of past Democrats like Bill & Hillary or Teddy Kennedy none of us would feel terrible anymore.

  • June 29, 2007 at 2:50 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Where is everybody?

  • June 29, 2007 at 3:30 am
    bill schneider says:
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    None of you Reganites care to argue anymore?

  • June 29, 2007 at 4:36 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Not my post either. They’ve run out of false courage, these conservative-cockroaches!

  • June 30, 2007 at 11:37 am
    Reggie Cervantes says:
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    Thanks Deb,

    I hope this country wakes up and acts.

    There are over 50,000 responder who went to the WTC on or after 9/11 who are sick like me.

    We were trying to get us all help.

    Reggie Cervantes
    WTC Survivor Rescue Worker
    Sicko Cuban Patient
    ClipedWingAngel Yahoo Com

  • June 30, 2007 at 11:47 am
    Reggie Cervantes says:
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    Im sory if you cant afford the medication thats keeps your mind straight.

  • June 30, 2007 at 11:50 am
    Reggie Cervantes says:
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    He took us to make a point. One of the poorest 3rd world countries can do what here in the US they wouldnt do for us.

    Even though the film has been out for a month, do you think anyone in DC is running to rectify anything? NO they went on vacation! A weeks holiday to celebrate the 4th of July.

    Why isnt anyone talking about how Christie Todd Whitman is related by marriage to president Bush? The media knows! Thats why she lied to us after 9/11 about the air quality.

    WAKE UP!

  • July 1, 2007 at 2:03 am
    J.R. says:
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    Moore’s agenda has been to capitalize on public issues. Health Care is not his issue, it is just another of his movies.
    The enamoured media have fallen under Moores power and participates in his self-promotion.
    They overlook the bigger story.

    These links may offer you a bit more information on Michael Moore and Flint back in the 1980’s.
    It is just amazing that Moore would turn on Jim Musselman and Ralph Nader who both did so much for him.

  • July 2, 2007 at 9:56 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    I am glad that Reggie was able to respond. the republican agenda is for the rich and I knew that growing up in the 60s. Nothing has changed; the poor get poorer and the right b**ch about how ungrateful they are for living in the land of opportunity. My significant other still has to choose between dental care and groceries because she can’t affor the insurance her employer offered for her $8.60/hour position. I guess it is her fault they don’t pay her more…..

  • July 2, 2007 at 1:16 am
    Willy says:
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    Your significant other can’t have proper medical care? Then you are not providing for her, you deadbeat. Why should the rest of us pay for her teeth?!?! Move to f#@^*%g Cuba!

  • July 2, 2007 at 1:19 am
    Willy says:
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    Vets are living under freeways? How many have you invited home with you?

    Actually, we used to be able to lock up people who were a threat to themselves and others, but liberals in the courts ruled that they couldn’t be locked up just because they’re nuts. So there you go – it’s Bush’s fault!

  • July 2, 2007 at 1:56 am
    APB says:
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    Did you know that Dr. Peeno denied that claim because the Employer didn’t buy the rider for transplants?? She read a policy with it’s exclusions and riders, that was her job! There was no thought or medical opinion being formed.

    And by the way I am Cuban and it is an insult that any true American thinks that Cuba is the place to be when so many leave to come here, doesn’t that tell you something? At least here you get to voice your opinion when you move over there you’ll have free health coverage, free rent and you’ll get 1 egg a month to feed your family! Good luck!!

  • July 2, 2007 at 3:42 am
    Mainer says:
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    No one is knocking Reggie. We are knocking MM for being exactly as you desribe us “cockroach conservative republicans” as money hungry, self centered individuals. MM is the same-he cares about his wallet. As for a fund, I think Reggie may need to look a little harder, there were millions, perhaps even billions of dollars “given” to 9/11 victims and workers, all by uncaring, individualistic self-centered Americans.

  • July 2, 2007 at 3:44 am
    Mainer says:
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    Holy s**t, I can’t believe he just said that!

  • July 2, 2007 at 3:48 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Poor Willy – mouth rich and mind poor. You have no idea what you are talking about but that’s okay we all like to laugh at your incoherent posts. Um, the great Republikkkan Ronnie Reagan was responsible for closing all mental wards and institutions that housed the mentally ill including many war vets not the libertards. I watched sicko this weekend and it was a great movie. It really provokes you into thinking more about the issue and to educate yourself unless one prefers to keep their head in the sand and like the status quo.

  • July 2, 2007 at 3:58 am
    Willy says:
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    As usual, a liveral is wrong about something. It was a Supreme Court decision that forced mental cases onto the streets by throwing out laws that allowed the mentally ill to be confined against their wills. I think this case was O’Connor, probably 1983?

    “Sicko” is just communist propaganda, so it’s no surprise that you fell for it.

  • July 2, 2007 at 4:09 am
    bill schneider says:
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    This the REAL Bill Schnieder. Not some fake Graffiti artist who’s posting under my name. Mr. Cervantes, Mike Moore pierced a large boil that had been due to explode. Hospitals and Med-Insurers are profit makers before they are concerned about humanity’s health. Corporations bent on cranking out profits will move out of this country elsewhere to chase the Almighty Dollar before extending out a helping-hand. Corporations and “Social Responsility” to the communities in the USA are not congruent. They are only empty words and phrases. Not the “good hands” one would expect. What you and the other two should do is post an address to a bank and ask for our contributions to help you with your medical bills. Godspeed.

  • July 2, 2007 at 4:50 am
    Loves the USA says:
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    I read that if you are in the military or if you are paying with money you get great health care. If you are a citizen of Cuba and no money, you’re out of luck.

    The health care can’t be that great if Fidel sought health care outside of Cuba. Funny, he had problems with what he considered good doctors–NOT FROM THE USA.

    By the way, for the people who love and appreciate the USA, HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. For the rest of you, you can go to Cuba or Venezuala (you know what I really wanted to say here)

  • July 2, 2007 at 5:07 am
    jimmy says:
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    Don’t forget…I you have money and are well-insured, your Health Carrier may send you all the way to India for treatment. If money can be saved by sending you somewhere closer, like let’s say Cuba for example, they may do do. It probably won’t happen until Fidel dies, and the USA starts to trade with Cuba. Either way, it’s no fun being poor! Once we’re all highly educated, and take jobs that help us rather than hinder us, we won’t have to job the military for Health care in Iraq or Afghanistan.

  • July 5, 2007 at 11:30 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    you had to make this a personal attack, instead of staying with the issue but I won’t stoop to your name calling. There are several reasons, none of which are your business, why she is not on my insurance, mostly becuase we can’t marry at this time. But it is a shame that her employer, a local franchise of a National corporation only hires permanent part time help who do not qualify for a level of health care that she can afford, having five children to feed, clothe etc….I contribute 60% of my income to help out… you don’t know a damn thing about it….no what do you have to say? I must admit it must be easier to type than to talk with your foot in your mouth and your head in your A**….

  • July 5, 2007 at 4:33 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Way to stand up and deliver, STAT GUY!

  • July 6, 2007 at 7:46 am
    Willy says:
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    Britain has more than 1 million citizens on its waiting lists for medical care, according to London-based Nurses for Reform. In Canada, a study found that more than 800,000 citizens are in the queue for medical procedures – and some will die, waiting for months and sometimes more than a year to get surgeries or treatments they need.

    If you have any ideas about how to improve healthcare in the US, please say on. Mine is the separation of healthcare and state. The liberal idea is to create equality by spreading misery and shortage. When Moore holds up anything in Cuba as a model for the US, he reveals that he is an anti-American moral imbecile.

  • July 6, 2007 at 8:18 am
    Concerned Citizen says:
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    Finally…..a guy post something that makes some sense. Thanks, Willy.

    It is amazing to me that many think a government run or controlled healthcare system will work better than a free enterprise system. Go to any state or federal office for any service or need and look around for a few minutes. In 4 states I have lived in – it was a challenge to get a drivers license or auto registration taken care, much less a medical procedure !!

  • July 6, 2007 at 1:40 am
    bill schneider says:
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    We are in a free enterprise system. Profit is not a bad word. It’s the rediculous unbridled management that fools wrap the US Flag around that has stressed the citizenry. Conservative-coachroach usurping Republican fools have no conscious. That criminal element has taken over the White House. We are definitely split over the running of our lives. But one thing is for sure…the voters have become quite cognizant of it and will respond at the polls. Unless, of course, the same kind of money that bailed out Libby will saturate the air waves again with sugar coated lies alongside the red-white-and-blue balloons and the voters might take it hook-line-and-sinker. Those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it. God, I hope not. We need a Healthier citizenry. The Citizens make up the country. Once Healthy we are strong; and those who dare to mess with us will regret it. At this moment, we have no choice but to damn those who disagree. It’s Nature. I hope we can change that, but as we damn each other, we drift furthur apart. We are hurting for leadership and the Republicans had their chance at bat. All they’ve done is hurt our citizenry and our Great Country. We are “Mr. Smith” in Washington and the Republicans are the baffoons and hyenas who are desparately trying to devour “Mr. Smith”.

  • July 6, 2007 at 1:53 am
    Puzzled says:
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    Does anyone reading these post have a clue what this last guy is talking about ??

  • July 6, 2007 at 3:43 am
    Concerned Reader says:
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    Intelligent response there, Bill. But, instead of the rants why don’t you respond to Willy’s original post? You like to spout off, but we don’t read any ideas coming from you? Oh, and based on the time you spend here, are you another one of those non-working, liberal protesters living off the paying propaganist or the working conservatives.

  • July 6, 2007 at 4:52 am
    bill schneider says:
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    Since when have you two imbeciles posted anything original? You’ve posted nothing but worn out cliches. What new ideas or expressions have you posited with RE: Health Care in the USA? What’s your job, you dope head? Is that your defense….Bill, must be unemployed? You wouldn’t last 15 minutes working next to me, you ignorant fool! Stay with the subject, pendejo! IT’s H-E-A-L-T-H-C-A-R-E. I work for myself and doing quite nicely. Hah, imagine you wishing that we work for the likes of you! You are just so full of crap.

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