C.V. Starr Among Investors in Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund

August 13, 2007

  • August 13, 2007 at 1:14 am
    Keith V. Patterson says:
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    The investors bailing out these various hedge funds should insure the compensation of the fund managers matches the performance. Publications from a few months ago were providing the managers’ bonuses, and they were extreme. This type of investment is an example of common sense and due diligence being kicked out in favor of math formulas. Math formuals can’t take into consideration greed, fear, and poor loan decisions.

  • August 13, 2007 at 1:55 am
    broadway joe says:
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    Maybe Mr Greenburg wasn’t listening when Warren Buffett called that junk bond debacle back in ’88 “Junk”..-Well he didn’t get burned then, but I wouldn’t trust B-S with a nickel of my money

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