Study: Car Crash Deaths Increase Starting at Age 12

March 4, 2008

  • March 4, 2008 at 12:24 pm
    snowbird, sunbirds, whatever! says:
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    When are we going to start doing reserach on ELDERLY DRIVERS> What is their excuse…
    Last week an “OLD MAN” walked into my Business classroom asking if it was the Driver’s Class. My instructors rambling about the economy was a good indication that he was in the wrong Room! (what makes us think he will pick the RIGHT driving lane?)
    Two Weeks before a lady RAN A RED LIGHT and totaled my Car She was born in 1936! She arguing with police that I pulled out in front of her, luckily there was Witness!

  • March 4, 2008 at 1:32 am
    She's partially correct.. says:
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    You did pull out in front of her (never mind your green light). She probably couldn’t see the red light through the steering wheel.

  • March 4, 2008 at 2:16 am
    N. Judge says:
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    LOL!! 72 is not that old! We see young people every day who blow red lights and don’t see the other vehicle. No one blames it on their age. I’d agree that re-examination isn’t a bad idea but for this generation, 72 really isn’t very old. And there have been studies on the elderly. At least they’re more likely to be fully insured. And less likely to be drunk.

  • March 4, 2008 at 2:50 am
    Ins UW says:
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    But what about those “old folks” that don’t turn their head because they physically can’t or can’t see the other car because their eye sight is too bad? I had one situation where the neighbor of one of my insured’s called us at XYZ Ins Co because they had concerns about their elderly neighbor driving with a magnifying glass to see the road and gauges. They were concerned she would get into ANOTHER accident. Her excuse was “she’s lived all her life in this town, she knows it like the back of her hand”. We definitely need better controls on license renewal for older drivers.

  • March 4, 2008 at 4:05 am
    SWFL Mark says:
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    It’s all in the data. The fact is that elderly drivers have accidents more frequently than some other age groups but the severity is not as great. They don’t drive as many miles and don’t drive at the times of night that young drivers do. Whether you agree or not, the fact is that more young people die on the highways, kill others on the highways than other age groups, and yes, you too will get old one day.

  • March 4, 2008 at 5:25 am
    Ins UW says:
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    I agree and I’m sure I too will be fighting “kicking and screaming” to not give up my license and the ability to drive. Unfortunately, getting old is a fact of life that we can’t avoid.

  • March 5, 2008 at 10:54 am
    Dick says:
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    Riding with drivers younger than 16 years old, not wearing seat belts, and riding on higher speed roads are the three biggest factors contributing to an older child being killed in a crash,”
    Oh really??? Wow, Im glad they did this study, I couldnt have figured that one out on my own.

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