Stunned Bear Stearns Investors Eye Legal Claims

March 17, 2008

  • March 18, 2008 at 7:24 am
    Chip from MA says:
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    C’mon MM, don’t just pick on the Bushes and the Republicans. Read up on Ted Kennedy’s wife and her father, Judge Edmund Reggie of Bossier City, LA. He only whacked the taxpayers to the tune of $40MM when he looted the Acadia S&L of Crowley, LA. Birds of a feather, flocking together.

  • March 18, 2008 at 1:46 am
    J Dyson says:
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    Looks like everybody has gotten what they deserved. Bear Sterns execs got paid like fat cats and the American people get screwed. When will we as an American people wise up and hold these companies accountable for their exec comp packages and then going belly up. Make the CEO’s pay their compensation back. Obviously they didn’t do a good job of leading the company. The US gov and it’s citizens have got to learn that we cannot continue to hand welfare out to everybody and anybody just because they failed. If you earn a dollar, great, get paid a dollar. If you lose a dollar, then guess what, you are a dollar short!!!

  • March 18, 2008 at 2:16 am
    media mogul says:
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    Even though first in line ahead of shareholders, they were looking at a severe haircut, and thanks to a change of “heart” by the Bush right wing ideologues, have now been saved, probably entirely by–“gasp”–government interference in our “free markets.” Who are these bondholders that have benefited through the use of my tax dollars? Tsk…tsk. What penalties are there built into this deal for the bondholders to pay me, the taxpayer, back? I thought the increasingly spaced out Bush had told us that this tax money was our money, but once again, I see it is their money–Bush and his rich friends.

    And the admin’s reply to the little people losing their houses–we’ll just help the bankers kick you to the curb.

    Welfare for the rich, brought to us by “conservatives” and their “religious” friends. Go figure–they are, using a lot more zeros than the rest of us get to use….

    But this one is not over by a long shot–several more contractions and shocks to come. It’s 3:00 AM. Where is your insurance company’s fixed income portfolio?

    Who says history does not repeat itself? Google “Neil Bush”, “Silverado” and the “Savings and Loan Scandal”. Seems there was also a guy back then named John McCain who was friends with this guy named Keating….

  • March 18, 2008 at 2:29 am
    Amen choir says:
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    Amen those comments, guys.

  • March 19, 2008 at 8:21 am
    Dread says:
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    Screw the investors!! These idiots were perfectly happy to sit around and watch their stock prices soar without asking any questions. It’s called “risk” and “speculation”. With it comes either gains or losses. In this case, they placed their bets and lost. Now they go running to their lawyers to see if they can still win after losing. Tough break, but that’s what the market is all about….legalized gambline.

  • March 19, 2008 at 8:54 am
    Mr. Obvious says:
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    Obviously, the only good investments right now are oil stocks. The brick and mortar financial stocks of banks and insurance companies are falling like rain.

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