Survey: Nearly Half of Americans Unprepared for Disasters

June 3, 2008

  • June 3, 2008 at 1:45 am
    Jim says:
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    So where are all the professional insurance agents whose job it is to create awareness and recommend coverages? Maybe the commission on a P&C product doesn’t make it worthwhile when they can do better with life insurance.

  • June 3, 2008 at 4:44 am
    wudchuck says:
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    agents?! whoa!

    first of all, agents are probably telling them to have certain coverages or recommending them, but the homeowner is not agreeing. after katrina and other events, you’d think they would rethink. this survey – was it conducted on in the prone areas of disaster? if so, then this is truly not an indication of the population. it only shows those living in those areas. when you truly think about it, some of those questions can be asked about everyone. look how many folks did not have the proper coverage or felt at the time they did not need the extra coverage. don’t always blame it on the agent, it’s a 2-way street between the insured and the insurance company.

    remember, we always try hindsight, but we can’t reverse time (at least not that i know of, except those thinking the plastic surgery is the answer).

  • June 3, 2008 at 6:40 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Anyone lose a client who thought the agent was just trying to ‘upsell’ in order
    to get the right dwelling coverage, or reasonable liability limits on the car?
    I have a client now who wants to insure the first $175k of his house, but not the next $75K. He says he is willing to take the risk. And Jim, its not about the commission, its about doing the job properly. I hope his home doesnt burn down, but if it does, I have documented our correspondence and emails. No new money here, and maybe I lose the house and three cars because every time we contact him we always remind him that the house is underinsured. Do you know – there are still people out there who assume all insureds will act in their own best interest?

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