AIG Statement on $85 Billion Federal Reserve Loan

September 16, 2008

  • September 17, 2008 at 1:26 am
    Bang says:
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    Does the board have the right to give away the company without the shareholder voting approval?

  • September 17, 2008 at 1:00 am
    American Taxpayer says:
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    Can someone tell me when did I vote for this????

    Board comments: We commend the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department for taking this decisive action to address AIG’s liquidity needs and broader financial market concerns.

    hmmm where was the Federal Reserve and Treasury, Bank and Finance committe 5 years ago when AIG was building this “HOUSE OF CARDS”? hmmmmmmmmmmm The GEN-RE deal should have clued them in..

    Now as a “American Taxpayer” I have to pay for this???????? And I have to own this company??????

    THIS IS DISGRACEFULL………CONGRESS, WALL STREET should all bow their heads in SHAME………(but guess what…they made billions so who cares right.) American way…

    Now the hard working people of this company sit there at there cubies for the next year wondering if they will have a job and who will be the owner……

    My guess CEO and upper management walk away with millions in “golden parachutes”. Great just great……

    American Taxpayer

  • September 17, 2008 at 1:08 am
    Taxpayer says:
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    “In return for providing this essential support, American taxpayers will receive a substantial majority ownership interest in AIG.”

    Did we as american taxpayers even have a choice in this matter? Nope! And I can assure you that the only folks that will see a penny from this is the top head honcho’s of AIG!!!

  • September 17, 2008 at 1:15 am
    Gut45 says:
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    Huh? I’m a taxpayer. Am I gonna get a Share of stock in the mail? or a profit sharing dividend which I can then pay taxes on? How is this going to work? I don’t think I checked a box on my 1040 last year indicating that I wanted to own shares of AIG. Hmm, maybe this is a step toward privatizing social security. THAT must be it! It’s all so clear now. The government wasn’t spending the money in the Social Security TRUST FUND fast enough to bankrupt it before I turn 65, so now they have found a faster way to lose money. what a twisted f’n mess!

  • September 17, 2008 at 1:41 am
    John Galt says:
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    This is what they call privatizing profits and socializing costs. The few elite rich who have political clout get to walk away with millions-the poor dears, I can’t imagine what kind of pressure they must be under-while the costs are spread out over the rest of the population. Gee, isn’t government great?

  • September 17, 2008 at 2:30 am
    Ace Reporter says:
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    In a shocking development we’ve learned that the text purported to be AIG’s response to its bailout was false. AIG’s real response was: “You’re all a bunch of suckers. We have the politicians in our pocket and have convinced them to pay us your tax money to prolong our business. If you don’t like it-tough, there’s nothing you can do about it. We don’t care if you vote democrat, republican, martian, independent or Serbian, it won’t make a dime’s worth of difference. We know how to play the political game otherwise known as ‘too big to fail.’ While you’re out there struggling to make ends meet, we’ll be laughing at you from our ski chalets in Aspen, drinking our $1,000 bottles of Scotch and enjoying our whores. We can’t express enough of our appreciation to our media lapdogs, we never would have been able to do this without them. So long, have a nice life.”

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