Regulators Seek to Resolve Rival Citi, Wells Fargo Bids for Wachovia

By and | October 3, 2008

  • October 3, 2008 at 12:43 pm
    Observer of corp patriotism says:
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    What a pack of sleaze bags, and this is before the big give away. Wait until you see how they behave AFTER Paulson gives them all the money.

    If our MBAs and B school geniuses would actually participate in making real goods and services, the US might have a future. Instead, it is all this financial hocus pocus with big markups.

    Send them all through a car wash with the wax on and the top down.

    Just great.

  • October 4, 2008 at 2:17 am
    anon the mouse says:
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    At first glance this is good news for the American populace. On the other hand, it is high time for our legislatures to review the anti-trust laws in effect and not with an eye to weaken but step up to protect the citizens from an out of control banking conglomerate. Well Fargo has in its operations all of the tools that propelled the subprime melt down. Their operation is based solely on one ingredient- GREED.

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