AIG Names 6 Independent Directors

May 20, 2009

American International Group, Inc. (AIG) announced that six new independent director nominees will stand for election at the AIG 2009 annual meeting of shareholders scheduled on June 30.

The six new nominees are Harvey Golub, Laurette T. Koellner, Christopher S. Lynch, Arthur C. Martinez, Robert S. (Steve) Miller and Douglas M. Steenland.

The slate of candidates that will stand for election will reconfigure the AIG board to include a majority of new independent directors.

Background of the new independent director nominees:

Harvey Golub
Golub, 70, was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of American Express Co. from 1993 to 2001. He joined American Express in 1984 as President and Chief Executive Officer of IDS Financial Services. Prior to joining American Express, Golub was a senior partner with McKinsey & Co.

Laurette T. Koellner
Koellner, 54, is a retired Senior Vice President of The Boeing Co. and the retired president of Boeing International. Prior to that, she was President of Connexion by Boeing.

Christopher S. Lynch
Lynch, 51, is an independent consultant providing a variety of services to financial intermediaries, including risk management, strategy, governance, financial and regulatory reporting and troubled-asset management. Prior to retiring from KPMG LLP in 2007, Lynch held a variety of positions with KPMG.

Arthur C. Martinez
Martinez, 69, is the former Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sears, Roebuck and Co.

Robert S. (Steve) Miller
Miller, 67, is Executive Chairman of Delphi Corp.

Douglas M. Steenland
Steenland, 57, served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Northwest Airlines Corp. from October 2004 until October 2008 when Northwest Airlines and Delta Air Lines, Inc. merged. Mr. Steenland served as President of Northwest Airlines from April 2001 to October 2004.

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