White House Budget Takes Small Steps on Health Care Reform

By | February 1, 2010

  • February 1, 2010 at 1:16 am
    Allan says:
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    So, while bouncing around the net on the subject, I came across this (along with several others like it): http://www.guaranteedhealthcare.org/blog/yoyogibear/2008/07/03/mythbusting-universal-health-care-other-countries-japan-with-costs

    Nevermind England and Canada. We know they have some issues, even though England is improving. I’m talking about the other FREE, rich, capitialistic, industrialized nations like Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Taiwan. If they have had universial health care all this time, why aren’t there citizens afraid of a government take over like most of the people here in America?

    Is it just our government that is dumb, inept and can’t make it work?

  • February 1, 2010 at 2:57 am
    Dezdamona says:
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    Why is it the American people who have worked their whole lives have to worry about health care,SSI benefits and a host of other problems while people who are here illegally or have never worked reap all the benefits? What is wrong with this country? When are we going to stop helping the ones who are not entitled to these benefits and make sure the people who have earned their way don’t have to worry about all this crap?

  • February 1, 2010 at 3:36 am
    Lip says:
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    Its very ironic that of all people it was Kennedys death that prompted the special election won by Scott Brown that killed Obamacare.

    Obama and his administration couldnt explain it, sell it, pay for it, or get thier own party to agree on it, not to mention the majority of the American people, just a couple red flags!

  • February 1, 2010 at 3:38 am
    matt says:
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    “When are we going to stop helping the ones who are not entitled to these benefits and make sure the people who have earned their way don’t have to worry about all this crap?”

    So you are suggesting that emergency rooms turn away those without proof of citizenship and stop the current practice of stabilizing the patient before discharging?

    Also nobody wants to talk about the real reason we have a health care crisis. It’s because we have a HEALTH crisis. We cannot have 1/3 of children getting diagnosed w/ diabetes and huge % of the population obese w/o physical activity. If we don’t fix HEALTH in American, we are guaranteed — regardless of politics or policy — to have a health care disaster in the near future.

    Do your part. Eat vegetables, grains, work out. Stop eating McDonalds and greasy 3,000 calorie restaurant meals.

    If I were a doctor I’d open a dialysis clinic in South Texas- guaranteed millions and a line out the door for years to come.

  • February 1, 2010 at 4:11 am
    Baxtor says:
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    That was a low blow Matt. Keep McDonald’s out of this. ;-)

  • February 2, 2010 at 11:14 am
    Hooray for Capitalism!!! says:
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    Quote from Obama: He’s “finding ways to reform Medicare payments for chronic expensive diseases”. I’m sure that makes the elderly and disabled feel all warm and fuzzy.

    Second concept gleaned: Obama is spending 268 million in tax money to compare various treatments to “help doctors choose the most effective therapy”. Like the doctor’s need the government, or the governments doctors to tell them that???

    Yet again, proof that Americans AREN’T STUPID, and know how to read. That’s why they don’t like his plans. They’re bad plans.

  • February 2, 2010 at 11:19 am
    Hooray for Capitalism!!! says:
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    Freeloaders have always received free health care, and will continue to, under Obama’s vision of “reform”.

    The Freeloaders “not” simply don’t want to get screwed in the process.

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