West Virginia Mine Accident Could Spur New Regulations

By | April 9, 2010

  • April 9, 2010 at 1:41 am
    Thinking of the miners says:
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    The miner act went a long way to protect the tough work conditions these guys deal with every day. However, it is still too hard to shut down a site due the number and type of violiations until these preventable “accidents” (oxymoron) happen. The operators just take it to court and stall the process. There is a lot of regulation already. But, there is no “pain” felt, except by the miners themselves. I love capitalism but this is rediculous.

  • April 12, 2010 at 9:06 am
    Alex says:
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    Mining has always been, and will always be a very dangerous business regardless of legislation, regulation, and safety devices. It only takes one small electrical spark to cause an explosion. Even with the “survival pods”, nobody lived because they didn’t make it into them. To compound the problem is the cost-benefit analysis of pouring money into trying to make mines “safe”. Miners comprise a comparatively small percentage of workers. Miners choose to work there because it pays much better than any other job for the un-skilled and un-educated. That’s the reality of the situation. Here’s a thought. Let death row prisoners work the mines.

  • April 12, 2010 at 9:43 am
    Fred says:
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    I think being represented by a union would be of great benefit to the miners. The unions educate the miners, make them aware of mine violations and provide an option as to whether they want to enter a mine that may be unsafe. In non-union mines, management keeps the workers in the dark (no pun intended).

  • April 13, 2010 at 2:38 am
    Paul Masley says:
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    Miners choose to work there because it pays much better than any other job for the un-skilled and un-educated.

    This comment is totally uncalled for. Your remark is typical of headless dick who has had everthing handed to him and someone that lives the lifestyle of sunny beaches with fruity drinks. Most miners are highly educated, but chose this profession because it is in their blood from family generations. Unskilled my @$$. Bring your sorry @$$ to their job and see if you could do it. I doubt it and no I am not a miner. I am a claims adjuster but my job requires interaction with the miners on a constant basis. You could not find a finer group of people.

    Now, I guess I will hear that they are barefoot, have outhouses, and keep their women pregnant in the summer to keep them home. Then the hollow inbred comments will start. I would dare say that most of them make more money than you do. Most are God-Fearing people and would give you their last dime to help you.

    I guess I had better stop here before I really say something to offend your apparent low scale IQ mentality and your Give Me All Right. In other words, before you open your alligator mouth, walk in their shoes. I guess that you can tell, your comments really pi$$ed me off.

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