U.S. Review of Toyota Recorders Finds No New Defects

By | August 11, 2010

  • August 11, 2010 at 7:54 am
    Porfirio says:
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    Honestly, there is nothing wrong with the car just stupid drivers. I had the same problem with my car years ago where my car accelerated out of control and it was because I had accidently moved the footmat forward with my shoe that had gum stuck to it. I quickly put my car on “Nuetral” coasted to the first shoulder of the freeway and fixed the problem. Toyota was to fast to plea guilty to something they were not at fault. Too bad they did not have good counsel. All those accidents are fraud and that person that was let out of jail was wrong. He is guilty as charged. They let him out because he is Chinese and the Chinese own us right now and control all of our moves. I know it does not sound correct but it is.

  • August 11, 2010 at 1:05 am
    Phylis Massey says:
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    This is just great!!! My Corolla has lost value by thousands due to the recall and now it proves no defects! I love my car and no problems, but now it isn’t worth crap – Thanks alot.

  • August 11, 2010 at 1:16 am
    Bob says:
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    I heard that when Toyota openned their cars’ little black boxes they found Congress and Dickey Scruggs.

  • August 11, 2010 at 1:17 am
    caffiend says:
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    Gimme a break… Wait a few years and let the media stink blow over. The value will be back up there.

    Besides, how likely were you to be selling your current car within the next 3 years? For most of the people complaining of depreciation of the value, the answer was/is not likely at all.

  • August 11, 2010 at 1:58 am
    gt says:
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    I just love how the media try to kill this car company! Just like it try kill Audi and look where that car company is today.


  • August 11, 2010 at 2:01 am
    Sue Smith says:
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    But I’m from the government/media and I’m here to help!! ;-)
    Self serving ego maniacs both.

  • August 11, 2010 at 2:06 am
    Tom says:
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    Does anyone not believe that the Congressional circus, including the hammering of the Toyota CEO by puffed up Demo Congressmen(women)didn’t have a purpose of helping GM sell cars. And, by the way, we are now hearing the the Gulf Oil spill wasn’t as bad as advertised and they can’t find the oil. Remember the Rahm Emanuel theorem-never let a crisis go to waste—-even if you have to manufacture one.

  • August 11, 2010 at 2:36 am
    LK says:
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    Context people! It’s all about context and it’s honest examination/dissection in the US these days. “Government Motors” backs out of a joint plant deal with Toyota in California. Toyota, is left holding the financial bag and is unable/unwilling to continue with a no longer viable venture. Toyota announces intent to shutter plant deal. UAW officials protest loss of union jobs at that plant to Obama administration. Suddenly Toyota is in the spotlight with alleged defect and recall issues (“alleged”, because no govt panel or expert is yet willing to really claim that there is any hard evidence of a real problem). Throw in a mix of traffic fatality statistics, sorted exclusively by car manufacturer, allege that fatalities may have been result of defects – not driver error, or other driving conditions and Voila! – even without conclusive proof, UAW has accomplished the goal of sending their message/flexing their muscle with the administration and punishes Toyota via the considerable power offered up to them on a platter by the Obama admin. Also, don’t forget to almost entirely ignore recalls of other car manufacturers (many far more serious and factually undisputed), all of which is eagerly aided by a “friendly” (aka-complicit) media that is content to be led about by their self-installed nose rings. Taken together, it’s really an impressive collective of complicit politicians, Union thugs and lockstep “journalists” that now add up to an increasingly sure recipe for a Hugo Chavez – styled government – one that anxiously seeks opportunities at every turn to take the reins from private industry and is pleased to punish those that resist participating in the public dole (aka needless bank bailouts, automaker takovers, scores of healthy car dealer shut-downs, health insurance, energy, etc., etc.).
    Even a peaceful takeover of the economy will yield the same results in the long run that has been seen in “takeover” regimes around the world (see: the entire Soviet Union, Cuba, China, Venezuela, Vietnam, North Korea, etc.) People suffer immeasurably for generations, until the despots begin to yield opportunities to the free market, which despite Obama admin villifying, continues to offer the world the incredible social and technological advances at a level that government can not. When was the last time we referred to North Korea, Cuba or any of these countries as the cradles of technological or humanitarian advancement? Any advancement they make is almost certainly pirated (China). Any resource they own is almost certainly stolen (Venezuela’s oil industry). That’s “progressive” politics? I think they called it something else during the middle ages. Plunder and despotism.

  • August 11, 2010 at 2:47 am
    Tom says:
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    LK has hit the nail on the head. The Alinsky accolyte currently in the Oval office has the playbook to “oragnize” America into some “social justice” utopia dreamed up early 20th Century progressives. All of this being done by the emptiest suit that every occupied the White House.

  • August 11, 2010 at 4:59 am
    LK says:
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    Remarkably, most of these comments (including yours and mine) would have been branded as “racist” or worse just 1 year ago. Name calling works for a while, but I guess it really sucks when naievely self-branded progressives among us in the general populus have the facts of behavior and and reality of hard data smacking them in the forehead every single day. Being a “progressive” sounds pretty smart and trendy too…until you are forced to reconcile your core personal beliefs with the progressive doctrines of (for example) eugenics (an unbelievably racist-elitist belief that progressives support whole-heartedly), wealth redistribution, government power grabs and manipulation of media, total lack of transparency (backroom payoff deals to pass legislation), a general “government good, business bad” attitude, an actual legislative/administrative effort to hand the power over our charitable giving to the government (let us decide who needs your money – not your church, not another charity), and so on. Kinda stinks when the folks you voted into office suckered you with an attractive pop-culture image, of “power to the people”…then really don’t want your input after all. What an ironic shock it must be then, to learn that the “progressivism” that sounded so stylish and pro-social justice would would rather keep pushing programs that entrench dependency by race class and population management selectively by race and socioeconomic class – all while screaming that any opponent is surely a racist and a nazi. Funny that I no longer see very many of the previously ubiquitous Obama/Biden bumper stickers, or hear the once familiar knee-jerk reactions to opposing opinions that were previously well-indoctrinated campaign dogma. The “common folk” like you and I are recognizing that having and expressing an opinion contrary to progressive doctrine actually means that you risk being viewed as a nuisance, or even a threat to the government.
    Hmmm..so I’m glad to now feel reaffirmed by the lack of shrill name-calling that I’m really not a bad guy, or a racist, and that favoring less government in my life is no longer backward…perhaps. I keep waiting for an enlightened progressive to demonstrate the error of my ways with facts and ideas and without meaningless labels. However, the growing silence among the Obama election year progressivism converts is becoming deafening.

  • August 12, 2010 at 7:42 am
    Tom says:
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    The real defect in this case, and every other anti-bus scenario, is DC. Now we are being treated to a Kabuki Dance put on by the President’s press secretary, Robert Gibbs, who is castigating the far left for being unhappy progressives all in an attempt to convince us “fly over” folk that the Big O is a “moderate”. This is Clinton tirangulation to the max. But this time it won’t work as the deeds outstrip the rhetoric. There is no real hiding of the fact that Pres O is a hard core progressive who wants to emulate and outdo Wilson and FDR and take his place in the Pantheon of enlighted liberal, progressive, and socialists. Their Achilles heel is the fact that they think the intellectual horsepower is all on their side. The forgot that pride cometh before the fall (November).

  • August 12, 2010 at 10:31 am
    meriweather says:
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    are the person behind the wheel and Member of Congress running for re-election. People should drive like their family was riding on the front bumper.

  • August 12, 2010 at 6:40 am
    wudchuck says:
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    i agree. the gov’t and the people are quick to blam someone before the actual investigation is done. in toyota’s response, they tried to be a conscious of the potential and current buyer of their makes. they wanted to do the right thing, but it cost them. when in reality after a further review, it was not them in fact the driver. that driver was looking for money because they did not truly want the blame. i am suprised that we have not heard that toyota wants to countersuit because it was not there error.

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