Supreme Court Weighs Bid for Fast-Tracking Healthcare Law Challenges

April 15, 2011

  • April 15, 2011 at 1:42 pm
    Sarah says:
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    Any idiot can figure out that our founding fathers when they wrote the constitution did not wish for an overbearing Federal Government which can require you to purchase any product for just breathing. Before any of you liberals start off about slavery any thing else our founding fathers got wrong. We corrected them with Constitutional Amendments. Not with activist Judges. Our founding fathers did know a little bit more than I even think we do about Freedom from government and the spirit if not the actual document of our Constitution certainly does not provide anyone with free healthcare. Again before you liberals go off, Promote or Provide the General Wellfare of our Citizens does not mean a Nanny State!

    I pray our Supreme Court does not become just another political wing of Congress. Lets see we have the Senate the House and the Supreme Court. Senate/Democrat – House/Republican – SupremeCourt/Democrat. It really shouldnt be this way. The Supreme Court should be above all politics, and that is how our founding Fathers meant it when they created this great nation and our great document we call the United States Constitution.

    May God Bless America, and protect us from ourselves.

  • April 15, 2011 at 2:02 pm
    D says:
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    Founding fathers…..hmmmm. It’s really tough to go back over 200 years and assume what the founding fathers would do. I doubt they would take kindly to uninsured people weighing down our healthcare system by going to emergency rooms without coverage, forcing the current “nanny state” to pick up the bill. Take the Right to bare arms. Shouldn’t we go back to only allowing muskets to be legal? That was the technology of the day.
    The requirement to purchase health insurance is an actuarial/funding issue. Nothing else. You will drive the costs down if everyone pays into the system. Any idiot can figure that out. Aren’t you an insurance person?

    • April 15, 2011 at 2:22 pm
      Sarah says:
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      All liberals argue with an emotional outburst of factless ridicule. As I stated in my post, I knew you would go off about the document being outdated, Thats why we have amended our document, and we have not re-amended the 2nd amendment which gives me the right to defend myself and shot someone with my “musket” if they break into my house in the middle of the night and kill his a*s dead without punishment. I also stated in my post the spirit of the document, if not the document itself is not difficult to understand at all. I suggest you and your liberal friends spend about an hour and read it all. It most certainly does not provide for there to be exceptions to our rights due to actuarial studies regarding healthcare. LOL….(what an idiot you are) and you dont even have to be an insurance professional, which I am CIC, CPCU. to understand.

      • April 15, 2011 at 2:46 pm
        D says:
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        Wow, you sure showed me. So, you disagree that we already live in a “nanny state” that forces the uninsured to go to ERs; forcing you and me to pick up the bill? It’s a fact. I wasn’t getting emotional about it. What about my dislike of that system makes me a liberal? You like that system? Maybe you are more liberal than you know. Who is the real Sarah?? Before you get even more emotional, think about how much that system costs you and me now vs. what you are afraid of. Does your participation in medicare and social security violate your rights? Be careful, collecting on those benefits when they are do might make you a socialist.

        • April 15, 2011 at 3:27 pm
          Agent says:
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          D, Progressives who have infiltrated the political process has created the many headed monster of the Federal Government. Their greatest desire is for a single payer government administered Healthcare system. The mandates for everyone to buy it or face fines is unconstitutional and perhaps the Supreme Court will do the right thing and throw it out. It is also totally unaffordable with the burdens we already face with numerous entitlements in the system. Why don’t you ask someone from Great Britain how it is working for them. They recently laid off 500,000 Health workers because they can’t afford them anymore. Castro has done the same thing in Cuba.

        • April 15, 2011 at 4:32 pm
          Sarah says:
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          I agree we do live in a nanny state, due to the progressive liberal agenda of unions and hipocritical rich democrats in congress. When you started talking about emergency rooms and actuarilay/funding of healthcare you got off the subject which was the constituality of Obamacare. With regards to my participation in Medicare and Social Security, I would forfiet it right now and get my money back and that by itself would eliminate all of national debt, Hey good idea D! Get a grip D, if you ever have read any of my posts you would never think I am a Socialist or care about obtaining any benefits from government at all.

          Who is the real Sarah, a strong conservative female libertarian, which means I am a strict conservative on fiscal matters and liberal with mine and your rights. Libertarians are strict Constitutionalist, which means the constitution is not a living breathing document which changes with the times. The only way to change it is by ammending it. We are liberal with our rights, ie; I do not think that government has the right to tell me what to eat (like Kathleen Sibielus has) If it does not affect anyone else, I say its ok by me. Before you libs go off again, that does not count abbortion which is murder. (but hey lets not go into the chichen and the egg thing again) I am against sending drug offenders to prison and turning someone who was hurting themselves into a murderer or rapist. Libertarians really are what the Tea Party is all about. The Dems want to make it about social issues to drive a wedge in the republican party. By the way on everthing but spending and a nanny state Libertarians agree alot with demorats on except for abortion. We want to stop spending on wars unless attacked by someone. WE WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO DO ITS ONLY CONSTITUTIONAL JOB DEFEND US FROM ENEMIES BOTH DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. NOT SOCIAL SECURITY, NOT MEDICARE.

          • April 15, 2011 at 5:07 pm
            Agent says:
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            Great post Sarah. I bet robbers wouldn’t want to meet you in a dark alley. I am not as libertarian as you are, but I am a staunch Conservative who believes our Constitution is being trampled on by the Campaigner in Chief, Reid, Pelosi and their
            vstious minions in Congress. The mindless Obama devotees who voted for him and the liberal media which refuses to do their job have made everything tougher, but I am encouraged by his 41% approval rating and the 69% who think this country is on the wrong track. In fact, the train has derailed and is upside down. Hopefully, we can last until Nov 12 if there is still a country left after this wreckage.

          • April 22, 2011 at 3:16 pm
            Some Insurance Guy says:
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            I too would love an “opt out” option with medicare and SSI IF I could get the money I paid into it back (I might be willing not to ask for interest, but I would want every dollar back) but I have to disagree that if we ended these two things that it would eliminate the national debt. I think that it would in fact INCREASE the national debt. Why is SSI bankrupt? Because politicians tap into it for their pet projects. Think about it. How many people die before they recieve their SSI, or die before they collect all of what they pay into it, or how many people use stolen SSNs that they pay taxes on when they get paid, who will not be able to recieve SSI in their later years? It doesn’t add up. They see the money sitting there, and its burning a hole in their pockets.

            One other thing I want to mention. It really weakens your arguments when you start them off with “Any idiot can figure out” or use definitive terms like “All liberals” or enlose an entire group of people to having the same trait, unless the trait is in fact in the definination of the group (an example of this would be “All murderers have killed”.

            I agree with some of your points, but it could be addressed more effciently.

    • April 15, 2011 at 2:37 pm
      Sam says:
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      D, Its really not hard to figure out what our founding fathers would do. They wrote it down in our US Constitution. READ IT!

      • April 15, 2011 at 5:33 pm
        Sarah says:
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        Hey Agent,
        I am a Libertarian and not a republican for a few reasons mostly because I am a christian but think that the religious right only scares off voters. I dont think that we as a country need to push it on others. although christian values are not a bad thing considering christians say, peace be with you and then reply also with you. Muslims say Ala Akbar and then cut off your head. I believe that religion by its personal nature is between you and your god and really has no place in politics. Remember Libertarians think that anything is ok as long as it doesnt affect me or what I do affects you or your family. We need to stop spending money from a government standpoint on all but the most vital social programs and eliminate all foriegn wellfare and the governments only role in this world is to protect our nation and inforce our laws. Other than that, get out of my way! LOL… Agent, I like your posts and agree with almost all you say.

        Republicans really let me down on the so called 38 billion dollar budget cutting fiasco. 38 Billion and we still have a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit, COMON MAN! Lets wait and see what happens with the debt cieling, we have them by the short hairs and we better not let them off the hook this time. I am talking MAJOR cuts to spending or SHUT IT DOWN! I really dont think we would miss anything.

        • April 15, 2011 at 5:48 pm
          Agent says:
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          Unfortunately Sarah, the 38 Bil cut ended up being 352 million after all the fancy footwork by our wonderful politicians. The promise made was 100 Bil on the current budget. Not even close after they were worn down by the pros on the other side. I am afraid we are in for quite a stalemate on the debt ceiling and the next budget. You know what, I think the American people are behind big reductions in spending except for the knumbskulls who want all their entitlements to continue. Medicare, Medicaid need big revisions and if it is just for those under 55, fine and leave the present retirees alone. They will be gone soon enough, but this spending mess has to happen or we need to shut it down and recall the lawmakers. I am also for eliminating all foreign aid. Those people hate us anyway. Let’s give them a reason to hate us.

    • April 15, 2011 at 2:46 pm
      Agent says:
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      D, spoken like a true Obama believer who thinks the Constitution is a living document to be interpreted however a liberal wants. The founding fathers were very brilliant and built into the Constitution safeguards against the Federal Government getting too big and dominating the states. The idea was to raise an army to defend the country and the second amendment gave us the right to bear arms so we could protect ourselves if need be. The Progressives like you appear to be have been working on installing your nanny state entitlements for 100 years. Now that you have a spokesman for it for the next two years, it is being pushed to the max at the expense of the citizens. It is our job as Conservatives to turn this around and dismiss all the Progressives from leadership in the Congress and the Presidency. 11-2-10 was a good start but there is much to do yet.

  • April 15, 2011 at 3:33 pm
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    Author forgot to mention that it will also have a negative impact insurance consultants, brokers and agents, not to mention that it has already had a negative impact on their compensation with MLR.

  • April 15, 2011 at 5:39 pm
    Sarah C. says:
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    I, for one, couldn’t care less about what the founding fathers envisioned. They’ve been dead 200+ years. I’m more into solving the problems of today.

    • April 18, 2011 at 10:07 am
      Agent says:
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      You are obviously not Sarah. Does the C stand for Cassndra? You appear to be one of those modern Progressives like Hillary Clinton. Sorry to tell you this, but this country is a Constitutional Representative Republic, not a Democracy. We elect people to Congress to represent us and when they don’t do the job, we kick them out. There are still a couple of hundred up there who need to be kicked out because of the mess they have made. That would solve the problems of today as long as we elect people to reign in the monstrous Federal Government.

      • April 18, 2011 at 12:01 pm
        A Real American says:
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        It’s cute that you feel that way.

    • April 18, 2011 at 10:16 am
      Sarah says:
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      Sarah C.

      Our Country was built on the US Constitution. A whole branch of government, The Supreme Court was founded on doing one job. Uphold the Constitution and enterprete it if “necessary”. Congress’s job is to create laws and the president’s job is to be commander and cheif. All of these jobs are identified in the US Constitution.

      I understand that most progressive liberals do not appreciate what our founding fathers went through to create our great nation because they have been dead for 200 years. Well our kids are dieing in Iraq, Afganistan and Lybia for your rights established in the US Constitution and our bill of rights. The statement that you do not care about what these founding fathers did 200 years ago shows a contempt for the values and efforts of many dead soilders of past wars and the ones fighting today for your freedom in distant lands. Your statment shows that liberals are ok with finding unconstitutional solutions to todays problems. What about tomorows problems when you want the Constitution to be there and you and your friends have bastardized the document.

      • April 19, 2011 at 10:14 am
        agent says:
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        Sarah, These are the same people who call the Tea Party values extremist for wanting the Constitution to remain the law of the land. Basically, Sarah C wants the country to morph into some quasi Socialist state where everyone gets all the entitlements and the more fortunate are taxed out of existence. This is true redistribution of wealth philosophy which our Campaigner in Chief espouses. His new motto is “Compassionate”. I thought we wore that out with our RINO Bush when he was a compassionate conservative. I think Obama realizes his Hope & Change will not fly now since we see what the country has changed to in 2+ years.

    • April 20, 2011 at 12:03 pm
      Drew says:
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      If you care so little for the Constitution of the United States of America, I would suggest that you got to a country that has no government such as the Sudan.

  • April 20, 2011 at 12:01 pm
    Drew says:
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    PPACA has made it not only much harder for people to get insurance, but it has made it MUCH more expensive for the people who actually can get it.

    Most states have no child-only policies anymore because people under age 19 can’t be denied, so the only way to keep adverse selection from going on is to require an adult on the policy as well. A lot of adults can’t qualify which leaves the children without health insurance. That’s some hope and change alright.

    The morons who call themselves consumer advocacy groups who want to sidestep health insurance agents need to actually pick up a brochure and read through it. I can guarantee you they would need help understanding exactly what that coverage is, what it does cover and what it does not. There’s no way possible that people can do that on their own or through non-licensed government employees.

    Government employees can’t barely get you through the driver’s license requirements much less something as complicated as health insurance.

  • April 20, 2011 at 2:12 pm
    Norm CT says:
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    Our president wouldn’t be hoping he might get to make another apointment or two before it reaches the Supreme Court now would he??

    • April 20, 2011 at 4:29 pm
      agent says:
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      I think he hopes for an unfortunate accident to a couple of conservative judges or a sudden illness so he can fill the spots with true believers. I understand that the Supreme Court is considering fast tracking it, but Holder will fight that all the way. They know this law is unconstitutional and is likely to strike it down. I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama will say he doesn’t intend to comply with the Court if it is struck down. He has already said that on the budget deal on pay to the Marxist Czars. He signs the agreement on the cuts and then says he won’t comply with it. Arrogance personified. The House should refuse to fund the White House and cut off the paychecks and see how he likes that.

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