Study: High Gas Prices Lead to Fewer Auto Accidents

April 28, 2011

  • April 28, 2011 at 1:37 pm
    Nancy says:
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    I guess the author of this article does not live in CT where Gas prices have exceeded $4.00 a gallon for a while and are pushing near $5.00 a gallon now….. It’s criminal.

    • May 5, 2011 at 1:31 pm
      Ralph Kramden says:
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      I also live in CT…it cost me almost $60 to fill up my Camry…unacceptable!!

  • April 28, 2011 at 1:44 pm
    Mike says:
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    It appears that the author is NOT aware of gas prices in forgotten California. California has been north of $4.00 for several months. As Obama said “Get used to higher prices.” Had Bush said this, the MSM would have butchered him. A pass for Obama. Where are all the negative adds from the New York Times, LA Times, Boston Globe, and the rest of the MSM? Where is Maxine Waters? Oh, I forgot her guy is in office.

  • April 28, 2011 at 2:00 pm
    agent says:
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    When you have a Socialist Environmentalist Green advocate in the White House who will not permit domestic energy production even though the US has more proven reserves than the Middle East, look at what you get. The goal of this administration is to have high energy prices hoping it will spur the green agenda. The last time I checked, cars and trucks don’t run on wind or solar power and the few electric cars out there have a range of 50-100 miles and can’t be recharged on regular house current. What a debacle.

  • April 28, 2011 at 2:49 pm
    IJS says:
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    Why doesn’t anyone look past the inane statistics and identify the real cause. When gas prices are high people drive less. There is a correlation between gas prices and accidents however there is no causation. The government and research studies omit important dependent variables all the time and people just believe what they read. I am so sick of the public taking this garbage at face value. Global warming is a great example. The earth is billions of years old and yet we make predictions about its future based on 150 years of temperature data. Any scientist will tell you that any data is not statistically significant enough to make any scientifically valid assertions. There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

    • April 28, 2011 at 3:12 pm
      agent says:
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      The last time we had a severe escalation in gas prices in 08, the government preached conservation, car pooling taking fewer trips and errands. The country responded to that when consumption fell and the prices went down some. I am sure there will be less driving this time as well, but we have a few million more vehicles on the road. The real answer is increasing production, not buying more oil from foreign sources who are jacking up the per barrel price. This shadow government we have now wants the country to go into ruin so they can ration everything. They need to be replaced and soon.

  • April 28, 2011 at 3:55 pm
    Bob says:
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    Higher gas prices means less money for alcohol, tobacco, drugs and harmful optional recreational activities the government thinks you shouldn’t do, bad news is there is also less money for food, housing, doctors etc. which makes you more dependent on the government to provide. Yes is it a conspiracy alright.

  • April 28, 2011 at 4:55 pm
    agent says:
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    The entitlement receivers like Food Stamps (43 million), the 99 week drawers of unemployment, all the ones on Social Security Disability don’t seem to mind that the country is going to h— in a hand basket. Everything is free to them and they don’t have to pay income tax. What a sweet deal! The rest of us are the ones footing the bill and employers will not create jobs if they are taxed more. This is a vicious cycle and 2012 cannot come soon enough.

  • April 28, 2011 at 5:24 pm
    rocket88 says:
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    So the insurance compnay benefits from less accidents? Great! Lower the rates!

    • April 28, 2011 at 5:46 pm
      agent says:
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      Actually, they will increase the rates some more. Their second quarter results from all the tornados, floods and other weather issues will not be a pretty picture and they will have to take rate. The consumers will take a hit before it is said and done.

  • April 29, 2011 at 6:53 pm
    California Broker says:
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    Some moron actually paid for this research? The price of fuel increases and people drive less and stay home and get drunk (if they can still afford to get drunk after spending $75.00 twice a week to fill up the the gas tank in their Honda Accord just to get to and from work.

    Makes sense to me.

    • May 5, 2011 at 3:57 pm
      agent says:
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      Surprised to hear from a sane person in California. If California was not ruled by Progressive Socialist Environmentalists, they would have permitted drilling off their coast and elsewhere to increase production and bring down costs. The last time I checked, cars don’t run well on windmills or solar panels. They are more concerned about saving some smelt fish or spotted owl than doing the right thing for the folks.

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