Travelers to Post Q2 Loss, Limit Share Buybacks Due to Storm Losses

By | June 10, 2011

  • June 10, 2011 at 3:16 pm
    Doug F says:
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    Woohoo!!!! Not to take glee in a competitors troubles, but, it will take a large company like Travelers to get on board with firmer pricing to change the direction of the insurance market. Many of us “smaller guys” have been trying to get rate for some time now only to see others undercut to the point of being ridiculous.

  • June 12, 2011 at 11:09 pm
    forward-thinker says:
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    Interesting. Will be worth a wait and see to see where the share price goes over the next year. This will probably affect profitability for the entire year and investors typically get pretty skiddish over an insuror that’s runs hot and they sell off. Might be a great buy in 12 months.

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